The two pack fails that I've seen have been a short and a leak(KOH). This pack is rebuilt, yes but the issue is a charge collapse at a specific site. A failing pack doesn't pick a place or time. This issue is over a year old. I initially thought it was the 12v. When I replaced it with an aftermarket the problem resolved, but returned with in a year. I replaced with a OEM and it fixed the issue for about 2 weeks. The inverter pump failed so I thought maybe it was shorting all this time. The replacement of the pump was not the problem. And while the likelihood of a 5G signal is almost nil, I can come up with no other reason why this issue only happens when parked in front of cell tower. I'm not sure if signal is pinging electronics, hence why i disabled smart key( thinking here is cell signal was trying to lock or unlock car a zillion times a day). But getting back to drain, the location of car is the issue. Anywhere else the car is great. I am pretty sure that rules out the pack. Why the location is doing this the mystery. Yes, the cell tower might be coincidence. But the tower situ is the only variable that I can note. I posted this because I was wondering if anyone else parked near a tower for @8 hours and was noticing their car acting like someone left the lights on.
I've moved all over the lot. Even parked next to a van thinking it might shield signal. The alternative that works is using ICE vehicle instead of hybrid
Both the smart key system and behavior related to leaving the lights on would affect the 12v system, not the high voltage traction battery- at least until the car is put into ready mode such that the DC/DC converter can replenish the 12v system at startup. When this happens there is extra demand on the traction battery, but not a lot. I suppose you could hang an ammeter on the 12v and observe it through a few trips and parking cycles.
So if you use the car on the weekend for a length of time equal to your morning commute and you then park it for the same length of time at home what happens? Or if you drive to work on a weekend day and park it there for 8 hours, do things change? Is there industrial activity near where you park at work? I'm trying to rule out the location or other vehicles or other work related activities.
To my knowledge, and results from Mr. Internet, only Phoenix has 5G. So we can't point a fickle finger at that. I honestly don't know what it is, but suspect the rebuilt traction battery. I would explore warranty remedies, which hopefully would include some testing.