There is a sound coming from my passenger side rear wheel whenever I brake. But the sound isn't audible until the last few seconds of the car coming to a stop. It's hard for me to describe the sound but kind of like a scraping or mushy type of sound? My guess is it has something to do with the parking brake but i do not know. It first occurred a few days ago. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
If the sound presented itself suddenly with no warning, I wonder if some object has gotten caught between the brake shoe and drum. How many miles do you have on the car and have you ever had any brake work done? Will the emergency brake hold the car on a hill? You have no warning lights on the dash, correct? The rear brakes on a Gen 2 Prius are of a conventional design so that an ordinary brake shop should be able to work on them.
On any Prius of mine that's never been anything but surface rust, usually picked up after a night parked in damp weather. If I notice the sound while approaching the first stop sign leaving my neighborhood, I'll usually just shift to N for each of the next two stops before I'm out of the neighborhood, and that usually clears it right up. Shifting to N takes the regen braking out of the picture, so the friction brakes apply firmly enough to rub the rust off. Doesn't have to be a big production, no speeding down the block and jamming the brakes or anything. Just a couple normal ordinary stops, but in N. If you have a passenger, extra points if they don't even notice you did anything special.
About 140k. I had the drums cleaned and rotated at 100k I believe. About 140k. Yes, it'll hold on a hill. I have only had the brake drums rotated and Cleaned which were at 100k. Im not the original owner and I think the old owner had the front brakes replaced. Thanks! I'll try that and see if it works!