Hi I got triangle and read code = Heplace Hybrid Battery. Is it normally only single module failed ? I'v checked and think that only simple Voltage diagnostic not always reliable, however with my 240K it's probably OK. Trying to shorted repair and order cell in advance, appreciate if you can share you experience, I plan to do this myself. I visited pro shop they gave me that replace hybrid code, not sure if its' possible to find which exactly block/cell failed via readers /codes ?? There is amazing link for diagnostic here .Though it's too extensive and require several days. Thanks V
If all the modules are the same age, a single 'first' failure might be an indicator of things to come. Before you start chasing your tail, a better solution might be for the Prolong System from Hybrid Automotive. Bring back all of your modules before they reach point of No Return. Certainly check out their website to determine if that solution, at half the cost of a new pack, could work for you.
Tx George, I see Prolong is revival hardware set cost $600, too much just for diagnostics, I have option to purchase used one for $800 with 1 year guarantee. For now I will try to find the way to ID which block is bad, I heard about some software. But I Think I follow your advice that with 250K this is just first one in a sequence of fails. I will try to get complete used replacement. They all originals cells (at least for last 190K run when I bought it).
I'm not sure which software you to which you refer. Depending upon what Smartphone you own, there are apps which can look at the performance of your Hybrid battery. For Android phones, there is an app call Dr Prius which specifically looks at your battery modules. If you own an apple phone, there is an app called torque which can look at your battery performance and a lot of other things. You just need to decide which OBD2 elm327 code reader you want to use with your vehicle. There are quite a few after that run from cheap to astronomically expensive. Generally speaking the cheaper ones may not interpret hybrid codes. The more expensive ones can give you a wealth of information. The astronomically expensive ones are for mechanics who needed for there livelihood.
Tx again George, I just got Torque Pro, but can't get V reading, need probably another odb2 reader for it. Can anybody recommend reliable ODB2 reader/transmitter that works with all dials in Torque, I have REV and other readings working, but for newly added HV BLock Voltage dials they stay at 0. Wait for 30 min, should they work right away ? if so probably I have bad odb2 unit. Or probably need special ODB2 for Hybrid ??
V, I purchased via eBay a "Panlong Mini OBDll for Android" for $12. Works perfect without any "waiting". I purchased this unit as it is a recommended ODBll.
Learned that this one is good: Bafx Products - Wireless Bluetooth Obd2 / Obdii Diagnostic Car Scanner Reader. I also learned that it's safe to drive.
Thanks Alberto I will try to get it, is there list of all good devices somewhere here ? as of now Mar 2020 I see those on ebay but I afraid go by picture, they could be still fake. You mentioned <recommended> is this list somewhere on this site ?
It sounds like you did not set up Torque Pro app to allow it to show you the Prius batttery data. (You need the Paid, version. Not the free version. ~$6 I think) First you will need to "turn on" the Prius items so they show up in the drop down Menus when you are adding a new item to display. First go to settings > Manage Extra PIDs Sensors>Add predefined set> Prius Gen 2 (2004-2009) This will then populated the drop-down menus with Prius options. Then go back to main screen and click on Realtime Information. This is where you can add individual display items to the screen. Long press on screen> add display>digital display. Then scroll through and choose the item you want to display, for instance [Prius]HV Battery Block-01 Voltage Choose size, small, then drag and drop onto your screen. Continue to do this for all the items you want to display. Attached is a quick sample. It doesn't have everything, but may be a place to start.
Hi Eric, I did setup PID from Prisu2 library to show Block1.. Voltage, but it reads 0, because my ODBII is not working with this protocol. I have all dials on my screen but no readings. There special protocol for Hybid . I checked/asked other son ebay about Hybrid HB Battery Codes/Protocols for Hybrid Voltage, most of then don't know what I'm talking about. I try to find reliable seller, Even I check same brand Alberto mentioned above and seller said << New message from: guara (2,122) This tool only shows engine codes. It would not indicate battery voltage. Panlong Bluetooth OBD2 OBDII Car Diagnostic Scanner Code Reader Tool USA | eBay Going by brand is not reliable on ebay, I imagine if any seller advertized them properly with screenshot for Hybrid Block Voltage, that will help. I have all Block V dials but V=0 and there is not green dot/mark indicating that it's reading. I have yellow. I have screenshot , but looks like here I can insert file from pc, need my own link . Tx again V
Attached my screenshot Really appreciate if anybody can point to recent purchase /seller of quality OBD(( unit. Trying to learn what protocols I need for those ,but looks like this kinda a mistery Anybody recognize those? OBDII protocols: J1850 PWM, J1850 vpw, iso9141-2, iso14230-4 (Kwp2000), iso15765-4 (Can-BUS)
Thanks Eric, it's really Pro grade and looks like a king but I don't think it works with Torque Pro, it has its own soft.. I think should be some other solutions, on youtube so many videos about PID/HV but nobody tells what is step #1 what OBD to buy.
It's hard because the cheap ones change so often. And many people don't want to spend $50 if they think they can use a cheap one. Although from my perspective, $50 is way cheap. I remember back in the day that tools to read data cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars and required annual subscriptions for additional hundreds or thousands of dollars. So $50?...pfft. That's nothing.
Tx, I need one that works with Torque Pro, half of those I asked on ebay say no, or the don't know what they are selling.
V, Here you go... Panlong IS recommended for Torque Pro. Best OBD2 Bluetooth Adapters – Complete Review [2020] TOP-7 Best Obd2 Scanners in 2020 from $10 to $99
Tx much Albert ! I just tried friends BAFX and it's wonderful, I actually bought it from him. It's #1 in one of your list too. Best V
I'm sorry for your troubles, Torque has been difficult for me to setup. I always seem to get the custom pids wrong.