I’m attempting to deduce the location of your tongue relative to your cheek when you say this... Best guess: “in”!
Not into vanity plates. The only one I would pay extra for is one that is totally blank, and the one tat says "VAIN" is probably already taken.
Here is mine. Saves me from paying the new $75. hybrid tax. And it might possibly save me from a parking ticket.
OK, I’ll admit it: I’m an idiot; I don’t get it. It looks like an ordinary vanity-free plate plate to me. I’m guessing the joke is that only hybrids have vanity plates, or park badly?
An explanation: We recently voted in Washington for $30. license fees. It passed, but the liberal politicians didn't like it so it didn't happen. To add insult to injury, they decided that hybrids weren't buying enough gas (our gas tax is one of the highest in the nation), so they decided to fine us $75. a year if we drive a hybrid. I found that I could beat that system by putting on a disabled veteran license plate in the Prius. I qualify for that based on 100% disability caused by Vietnam service, Agent Orange exposure and a type of cancer. So now the license is free, but I have to advertise the fact that I am a disabled veteran. The NRA sticker is my vanity plate that proclaims that I am not a liberal tree hugger.
Ah, good clarification; thanks. I’m kinda surprised that liberal politicians would support an additional tax on hybrids. They don’t (yet at least) do that even here in TX (i.e., a stupidly-conservative state). My personal take is that any vehicle-tax scheme should not only raise revenue but also encourage efficiency. Then again, on this forum, I’m undoubtedly preaching to the choir...
Excellent! Is “490” the entirety of your license-plate number? What does 490 ... signify? When I think of Mississippi and “Stennis” I think of NASA’s John C. Stennis Space Center, where rocket engines are tested prior to mounting onto operational rockets themselves (as opposed to the R&D test stands at Huntsville). Anyway, apparently “Stennis” also refers to a flag?
Vanity plates are not allowed in my country... however I took the liberty to make an up-to-date Photoshop to my regular plate... here we go.
Thanks for your service and sacrifice. As a veteran I proudly display veteran vanity plates on our vehicles, but paranoia prevents me from posting unblurred images of them.