+1 on the rain!!! I drove through some real frog-stranglers in the Yokohamas. Car went straight as an arrow with no hydroplaning even on the interstate with an inch or more of water on the road.
That's an excellent report, I wouldn't think any tire could do that well. When I Personally think about wet weather performance, I think about how well any particular tire does under normal rain conditions. So if we used a light or medium rain event as our example, I would want my tires rain abilities to give me great confidence in those typical conditions. Anytime a tire feels twitchy or skidish in the rain under these normal conditions, it's time for a new set of tires. Rob43
That big storm was when the tires were brand new. We were crossing LA on I-10 on our way to Tx from FL. Visibility and traffic seemed to be our main impediment. Now that the tread isn't as deep (wore off 3/32" so far), they might not be quite as awesome.
I was thinking of going for a value tire. 75,000 tire. I am not talking about the cheap Chinese no name brands. If the Prius drove like a Tesla Model 3, obviously I would Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2's. We are talking about a Prius. I need something that will last 50,000 miles. I got the Prius 2 for the 15" tires. They are more economical than the 17" tires.
Where I live in Cali, it's pretty dry and it doesn't snow here. The Yokahamas I don't think are a low rolling resistance type tire, so I expect the mileage will never be as good as the Enasaves were. I just expected the ride, handling, and quietness to be better, but I'm not noticing that at all. I'm sure they will last longer though. I only had 37,000 miles and several flats on the Enasaves. I decided to replace them after getting a slow leak in a tire. I probably could have gotten another 5-10,000 miles out of them but got tired of fixing flats.
OP - as we're just about done with CA's rain for the year, you could keep the OEM tires on throughout the summer without worry. Dry performance goes up when tires get bald! Then purchase some during a Labor Day sale at Discount Tire Direct / Americas Tire - they will have store/Credit Card rebates + manufacturers rebates many times. Best deal by far and they have a good selection of quality tires. TinyTim - for a long-wearing tire, also sold at DTD/AT for deals, I've liked the Hankook Kinergy PT H737 https://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?tireMake=Hankook&tireModel=Kinergy+PT If you time it right, you can get a Hankook rebate + DTD/AT rebates. If they got 5% worse MPG, you'd still be money ahead with the purchase price and long-life of them.