Hello, I need to replace the windshield wiper rubber or inserts for my wiper blades. But I don't know where to buy the rubber/ replacement inserts. Do I have to get it done at the dealership? Thanks
I purchased them online here and installed the inserts myself: Wiper Blade Refill - Toyota 85214-47110 | Toyota Parts Online Wiper Blade Refill - Toyota 85214-78010 | Toyota Parts Online
Dealerships should have the inserts, but I've heard they're sometimes not available, you to buy the whole blade? I've done several orders through these guys: Buy genuine windshield wiper for Toyota Prius PHV 4 generation 02.2017 - present from Japan - Amayama Takes a week or two, very reliable. No sales tax or duty. Throw a few extras in, and be careful to order just from one country (avoid two shipping charges).
Generic inserts were once available at every store that carried wipers, now they just have the entire blade unit.
Yap, dealer or online OEM store is the best bet. But if you can find aftermarket refill especially silicon type that would fit the OEM wiper, please let us know. There is a close-up photo and dimension of the TOYOTA OEM refill on this thread in my comment. Wiper blade refills | PriusChat
I'm still on the originals on my '17, so I can't say from personal experience on this car. However, on Gen 2 and 3 the best ones are from the dealer and they are about $8 or $9 each which is way less than the refills from the auto parts stores. And they last WAY WAY longer. They may or may not be in stock, but stuff they order at my dealer almost always arrives in a day or two from a local warehouse.
I had mine replaced during my 30k service. When I asked the service advisor to replace the wiper blades, he asked, "just the front or front and rear?" I stared at him for a few seconds and said, "Uh, it's a Prime. There is no rear wiper." He said, "Oh, that's right." He at least had the good grace to look sheepish. They charged me $15 each for them, which I thought was a bit excessive.
Changed all three inserts on my 2017 last summer. Easy-Peasy. I just got back an hour ago from my local Toyota dealer after purchasing the three inserts for my wife's 2016 RAV4, so the inserts are still available @ $9.99 each. I'll put them on this weekend.
I think Toyota inserts are the best. The only replacement blades I've found are the Trico Exact Fit 16-17B and 28-17B. NAPA has the same blades with their own label. My Mazda has the same blade connector but different lengths. Why can the car makers agree to all use the same thing? And put all interior controls in the same places in all makes & models? And the same implementation of the safety warnings so my Toyota and my Mazda and all the rest have the same safety beeps or whatever?
He probably replaced the whole blade, which means you can no longer order the replacement rubber. They did this to my wife's 2017 RAV4, She needed new rubber and when I ordered them, they wouldn't fit. That's when I found out the Toyota's "OEM replacment blades" are NOT OEM. The rubber is totally different.
I got lucky and stumbled upon the real OEM blades for the Sonic on Amazon. For the Camry, I just get blades from Ollie's. The passenger side one I just bought was $3.
I bought silicone inserts, one year and still going good. Silent running, no squeal or jump. No noise even when running bone dry. I run rain x too, great combo. I just got tired of thinking about changing those blades. It were said that these silicone run for a very very very long time compared to the rubber graphite ones.