Here is a panorama of one location in Canyon of the Ancients NM. Note the remnants of an ancient house within the alcove.
Is it carcinogenic when used as a hand sanitizer or applied to the skin? Or only when consumed as a beverage?
I stupidly filled up at Costco this past December at $2.559. The good news is that I'm still about 15/16ths full. Maybe it will be back up beyond $2.56 when I fill the tank again and I'll feel good about what I had paid.
I get 50 cents per gal off from my grocery store so I am seeing how cheap I can get. If I get more groceries by then the station may owe me money.
I strongly agree with you. If the oil companies think they can charge whatever they want for different regions, its important for drivers to know the lowest prices in different areas AND know their accurate ranges to such stations.
Triclosan Has been banned in most countries and is now banned in antibacterial soaps due to be fraudulently ineffective. it’s many affects including cancer are normally from absorption through the skin or mouth. it is found in most hand sanitizers And toothpastes despite developmental harm in children and reproductive harm in adults and is generally ineffective at mitigating Coronavirus, alcohol or soap are much more effective. good reason to read ingredient labels simple is Usually better.
I saw $1.997 the other day. That struck me as truly bizarre, focusing in on the partial cent rather than the reality of gas falling below $2 per gallon. When have any of you ever seen that fraction as anything other than the 9/10th value? Of course, it doesn't really matter. With a job that allows working from home, it could take me a very very very long time to use up the current tank of gas. Even our far away restaurant now with drive-up service is within EV range.
It is not found in any of my hand sanitizer bottles, all acquired before this year's panic. All of mine use ethanol as the active ingredient. It is also not in my primary toothpaste, though a quick check finds that it is in other accumulated sample and travel sizes that have crept into the household while I wasn't paying attention. I must start paying attention to it again.
As far as prices at the pump, the price decrease may take a while, I suppose. Look at it this way- I am guessing the refineries made a lot of gasoline in storage, at the higher crude prices. Also the gaso stations are sitting on tanks they bought a while ago, and nobody is driving anywhere now. So that gaso is just sitting there. Probably lower prices will come faster than the marketers would like, in terms of breaking even.
Gasoline is a commodity. The costs of the ingredients and processing back when it was made are irrelevant. It is now just supply vs demand. There is inertia in pricing, especially when most customers haven't yet learned that prices are cheaper somewhere else. Once buyers start leaving the higher priced sellers en mass, those sellers will be more willing to lower their prices. Any inventory lo$$e$ the sellers face now are already covered by the price hikes from the most recent upward spikes, where prices are commonly hiked very quickly with little inertia, much faster than the inventory flowed through the system.
the big jugs of hand sanitizers I noticed at Costco, Wallland and SAMs all had it in when I checked in November I checked the shelf at the local grocery store and the Total there still had it, quite possible old stock I don’t use hand sanitizers except at a park outhouse without water. i do actually wash my hands though
The dental office samples (travel size) of Total stashed in our closet do have it, but are marked with expiration dates of this year, so are likely old stock. The big tubes of a slightly specialized variety i use for one problem, and the prescription stuff the spouse uses for a different reason, both lack it.