Just really quickly, I've never owned a Prius before. I replaced the engine (details in the JDM engine swap thread in a different Prius V subforum here), used the Airlift tool to draw in new coolant, and I have what I would call 'fairly warm' heat, maybe around 80 or 90 degrees, when the engine is warmed all the way up and the heater is set on HI. This is with the A/C off and yes, I changed the cabin filter. I'm unsure of just how "hot" the heat is on these cars. If this was a normal car, I'd say the heat was set somewhere in the middle of it's range. Can somebody advise? If the heat should truly get HOT, then I'll try backflushing the heater core under suspicion of something like Stop Leak plugging it up.
Yes, Eco mode Edited to add that I'm not selecting a mode when I start the car, so assuming Eco is the default, that's what I'm in.
OK...I didn't even realize it had a normal mode, I thought it was either Eco, Power, or EV. I'll give that a try tomorrow, thanks very much!
It will quickly heat up to the temperature you set and no more. Normal is Eco toggled off. Watch the indicators in the top right of the dash.
I set "HI", which I figured would not set an upper limit on heat, meaning the cabin should get uncomfortably hot. It gets warm, but not hot.