Well it happened, now I wish I would not have filled First gas station in U.S. drops price to 99 cents per gallon | WZTV
LOL! I've known people like that. Also, I know a guy who will spend 10 minutes driving around a parking lot looking for the closest parking spot to save 30 seconds of walking. And he's not crippled.
Yeah, he's all there. Just profoundly lazy. And he has the belly to prove it. Looks like he swallowed a small moon.
I just did a spreadsheet calculation for price parity to our $0.072 price per kilowatt. Gas has to be less than 85 cents per gallon to cost less. (although there are taxes on top of that).
I have not driven my car for a few days since I started working from home. I really don't need gas for a while, but tempted to go fill the tank at $1.75, maybe the lowest I've ever seen. But, before gas, I think I will go ahead and order a heating oil tank filled this week.
I saw $1.979 on the way home from work. Wife saw that Gas Buddy was reporting $1.93 at Sams Club. The places that are down to a dollar are amazing.
I am actually surprised gasbuddy has loaded every single time for me. Must be getting most hits ever lol PA in my neck of the woods is still over $2 lowest I see is local costco for $2.05 and then next is in my town at $2.16 damn PA taxes
that's ok - free pv solar still trumps 99¢ gas ..... even 0.09¢ gas ..... plus not having to touch nasty nozzles that god only knows what nasty germ carrying typhoid mary's were using it. .
Here in Washington State, I purchased gas at $1.59/gallon in Cle Elum this afternoon! Saw two bigger name stations at $1.99, two independents at $1.59, all of them down a bit from their most recent GasBuddy reports. This is clearly a local gas war, not extending to adjacent towns. I would have filled up about a hundred miles earlier at about $2.45, if not for spotting this price war on GasBuddy. And this was in the Subaru, not the Prius, so the full tank dollar difference is greater. This is one of my reasons for having a good feel for my vehicles' true fuel ranges. Following Hurricane Katrina, I never expected to see sub-$2 gas here ever again. We'll have to see if such prices ever appear here naturally, not within price wars.