I just went out to my car to run errands and attempted to open one of the passenger windows and nothing happened. I tried all three passenger windows and they are as dead as doornails. The driver's side window opens and closes, but I don't want to open it again as I am afraid it will go kaput while it is down. I will be calling the dealership on Monday morning. Has anyone had this happen? If so, what was the end result?
I might, since I have no idea where it is if there is one. None of the passenger windows open either from the master panel on the driver's side or from their individual controls on each door. Where is the window lock button?
It is just forward of the window control buttons on the driver's door. My Honda works the same way. The window lockout locks all 3 passenger windows from ALL 4 controls. I would have thought it only locked out the passenger controls so I could set them but the kids couldn't mess with them The only window I can control when the lock is pushes is the driver's window, same as the Prius.
i will be interested in whether it's the window lock button or not. it probably is and reminds me of something that happened to me this weekend. i bought a brand new laptop with built-in wireless networking. went to use it and it would not find my network. spent maybe an hour and a half troubleshooting it. i have 7 various things hooked up to my home network so not uncommon for a newbie to conflict with something else... finally i called toshiba, a rare thing for a techno-geek like many of us are on here... and it turns out there is a little black-on-black button on the side of the laptop to turn on the wireless radio. boy did i feel dumb
As I get older I am remembering a couple of things. -Being the smart-nice person kid who used to get called over to my grandparents house to help them with something technical they couldn't figure out. Like the dual temp control in the new fridge. The 'new-fangled factor'. -Being an intelligent college kid who used to have to help my parents with technical stuff that seemed so obvious to me, but was lost on them. Their comment was "It used to be so easy when the TV only had an 'On-Off' switch and a channel selector. -Watching nieces and nephews (I don't have any kida) zip intuitively thru some menu and be able to make something modern work without benefit of an instruction manual. The 'Where'd she learn to do that?' factor. -Wishing I had grandkids that could show me how to program the f-ing TiVo. The 'How did I get this old' factor.
13 years ago I had to have a 3 year old show me how to open a CD jewel case I'd never seen one before and it wasn't at all obvious to ME. I can do it by myself now though
Geez, can you tell I don't have kids? It was the lock button - I didn't even know I had one. Thanks to you all for saving me the embarrassment of going to the dealer and being laughed out of town! ...sheepishly crawling back into my hole now....
Just for clarification: (I don't have my Prius yet) The Window Lock button that the driver controls locks even the driver from manipulating all other windows? Does that strike anyone else as odd? I drive a Buick Regal. I can picture a parent driving the kids around and not wanting them rolling down their windows. Thus the Window Lock button. But in my Regal, the driver can still manipulate their windows if I want. It just strikes me as odd that the Window Lock would weild authority even over the driver
At the risk of making myself look foolish yet again....with the window lock on the driver only has control over his window, all the other windows are locked from the buttons on each of their arm rests AND the driver's control panel of the passenger windows. The window lock button is next to the door lock button on the driver's door arm rest, it's no big deal to lock and unlock it (as I found out the embarrassing way!)