Having some headlight issues in my '07 Prius. I have the Phillips HID bulb coming in the mail today. But fear it may be ballast related. General question though, is the ballast all contained within the headlight assembly? I've quickly glanced on a ballast replacement tutorial and seems doable but wondering if I could save some time and just replace the entire headlight assy (assuming a new ballast is included in that part) and whether that would solve my issue? Contemplating in my head the price for a headlight assy vs price of ballast plus having to remove and install.
its not that hard to do the balast but i did it once and it went out again. i bought a set of morimoto D2R bulbs and matching ballasts and did a little diy retrofit i have yet to have any problems and much cheaper to replace than the OEM.
For 2007 with HiD. Getting be back to the HiD bulb, The dealer wants $120 each bulb... As a next choice, will this fit correctly as recommended and is it reliable? If so I'll replace both and put the old one as a backup. Thanks, CCG PHILIPS D4R 4300K XenEco OEM Replacement HID XENON bulbs 42406 35W DOT Germany Pack of 2 $106.59
Great. and thank you for the follow-up. That's what I want to know. I wanted the similar performance as the stock. Not brighter than the original so I wont blind the opposite driver. I will order now that one in the picture as you recommended. Thank you again.
Hello, Can you please tell me the signs of HID bulb on its last legs? I'm getting intermittent off. Requires switching off/on to get it to turn back on. When it comes back on it starts off bright and immediately fades but stays on for a while. Until I realize it went out again and we repeat the drill. Does this sound about right? In the case of the passenger side I got none of this it just suddenly died - end of story. Paid the dealer $200 parts/labor to replace that one. With this driver side I'm tempted to buy the Phillips and try replacing myself. Thanks, Chris
Yes, your symptoms are indicative of the bulb being at end of life. You should replace them in pairs.
Is the reason for pairs so that they give identical performance and give off the same color light? As I said, I just paid a dealer $ 200 to do the passenger. Are you saying I should give up on the DIY plan and let the dealership do the driver's side so they are a pair? Because the DIY Philips bulb will give off a different color light from the bulb the dealer installed? Thanks
Typically, headlight bulbs age identically. If an HID is doing the on/off thing, that is a main indicator that it's at the end of life. If one is EOL, then the other is right behind it. Secondary, the quality of light. I've bought HIDs online through onyxlights.com and they've been great. Run about $60 for a pair when I purchased them. I always DIY it. I use OEM intensity, which is 4300K if I remember correctly. Your car should use a D4R model (once again, if I remember correctly, because it's been years since the last time I had to replace a set) Onyx Performance Lights | Performance Automotive Lighting (onyxlights.com)
I had the same problem with my lights (bright then fade, randomly turn off until I power cycled) and it continued with new bulbs until I replaced the ballasts.