Is there a way to lock doors while the car is on? I would like to do this to leave a/c on for pets while running short errands .
I suspect not. In many parts of the world it is illegal to leave children or animals in a locked car.
Use the physical key. The DRLs will stay on though. The workaround that is to stop, turn the car OFF. Re-start the car, and the DRLs will stay off. [Though, not certain if that works at night or in a darkened carpark.]
I used to do it when I had Mum in the car (she's in Aged care now), she'd say "just leave me here" when I went into a shop or postOffice etc. Did it a few times with my dog - or when I didn't want to come back to a sticky hot car. But having the DRLs off, I thought was less of a target for thieves who might assume DRL= Power On.
Said the person who got unexpectedly tied up and was away longer than anticipated......only to find the car had stopped running and the occupants are DEAD. Honestly, this is a good way to get your car windows broken out and/or the Police giving you a hard time or a ticket. This is much more likely with a hybrid where it is not obvious that anything really is running much of the time. If you REALLY care about your pets......LEAVE THEM AT HOME. HONESTLY. SERIOUSLY.
If I recall correctly, I did that once, and the car immediately re-unlocked the door. But it did let me lock the door using the inside lock button, followed by the window auto up switch. The dogs are also dead if you forget their water or food at home. Seems that, whatever they may think about the arrangement, they're kind of dependent on you remembering to act according to plan.
That is likely illegal even though it CAN be done. I suspect if somebody broke a car window to "rescue" your pets, insurance would not cover the damage and that person would not get charged.,
TESLA has Pet Mode - which works exactly the same. I've only used it for a couple of minutes - like if we're out driving and I stop to buy a take-away coffee or go to the bathroom and can't take him with me. Most cafes here won't allow dogs, even small ones in arms.