Hey all I read through a hand full of old topics and decided to still post. I was hoping to find a scan tool that cad do ABS SRS and perhaps TPMS that will get Prius codes correctly. Example: p1121 says gas pedal module on a normal scanner, but we know that means ICE coolant control valve. What scanners are out there that are totally Prius friendly and can do advanced stuff like the aforementioned? I know it might not be cheap but I think it would be worth saving up for Thank you
Many Prius DIYers use Techstream. That is probably the most powerful and most accurate scanner for PRIUS. But authentic Techstream is extremely expensive. There are pirated copies of the software you can install on your lap top and use cheap MiniVCI cable to connect to the car, but I have not had a success with making it work on my set-ups. Not sure how well it works on Gen2, but I currently use OBDLink LX and thier app with paid OEM add-on for my PRIME. However, I have not had any DTC on my car yet, so I don't know how extensive and accurate there readings are. Good thing about using ELM327 based BT or WiFi scanner is that you can use it on various apps compatible, and software update is automatic in most cases, far better than handheld scanner IMHO. The cost is not that much different from a good handheld unit, ~$50. I also have Carista dongle, but I have not used it yet. It has Prius specific customization tools, but again not sure how extensive that functionality is for Gen2
Thanks for your reply I have access to tech steam but it’s cumbersome. Was hoping for something handheld from bosch or snap on or Harbor freight’s high end. Open to other brands. Ideally a self contained unit, not a Bluetooth
I know Snap-on makes a smaller scanner that is at the least compatible with some of the Prius DTC, as my local stealership used it to pull the codes on my '05 when the original HV battery went end of life. Matter of fact I distinctly recalled asking the service writer about the reader knowing our vehicles are finicky when it comes to readers. I suggest referring to their websites for full disclosures on compatibility.