Curious, I was able to use "scan my Tesla" to monitor a 250 kW Supercharger session: within seconds, it jumped to ~88 kW over the first minute, it climbed to ~163 kW thereafter, a smooth decrease I did not see when the second car plugged in Bob Wilson
Gonna have to start producing charge curves like we did when we produced hp/tq curves for ICE cars. It'll be nice to know what the charge curve is for each car. Peak kW doesn't mean anything if it's only achievable below 20% SOC or if it's not shared.
It was less than 10%. The car reported "Battery too low" when I parked to plug-in. My plan i to modify "scan my Tesla" to have more energy, velocity, and temperature metrics. I had been using steering angle to investigate 'ping pong' but it doesn't make sense until I get HW 3.0. Bob Wilson
The ping ponging was effectively gone when I got to HW 3.0. Still have issues with phantom braking though.
My experience is it is reproducible where the GPS mismatches the Google maps speed. I just keep my accelerator foot ready and adjust. Bob Wilson