I recently purchased a Japanese import 2016 Prius (hence my manual is in Japanese) so can someone please tell me what the button in the attachment does?
It’s to turn off the “Vehicle Pedestrian Notification System”. The little whir that electric cars make at low speeds to notify pedestrians of their approach.
I think it turns the car alarm off so you can’t use the alarm button on your key I believe I’m not sure I don’t own a 2016 model I can ask my dad he owns a 2019 c Prius
Can you GOOGLE the Japanese manual - and then use TRANSLATE to read it? Possibly not?? You can get the Aussie, EU and US manuals online. Hope you enjoy your PRIUS.
@Tideland Prius gave you the correct answer. It will default back to be "ON" each time you start the car. You can manually turn off the “Vehicle Pedestrian Notification System” with that switch, although I don't see why you would want to do that.
If only. Isn't that what the Staples "easy button" is for: But not all co pilots are created the same.