Is there a way to lock the gas pump? Every time I pump gas I have to hold the lever and pump manually or else the gas stops flowing and the pump would fall out.
Try inserting the gas filler only as little as it will go without falling out. Don't push it all the way in...
Are you asking about pump nozzle locking mechanism? Around my neighborhood, most stations have the gas pump lock mechanism installed (see the first photo), but have been to some stations with the lock disabled (see the second photo). Yeah, if the lock mechanism is removed, you have no choice but to hold the nozzle trigger while pumping, but somehow I think that is not what OP is asking about??? Why is it falling out? I never had that problem.
With every car I have ever owned, I can put the gas nozzle into the fuel tank and lock the nozzle in place. With the Prime, it does not lock in place at the various stations I've tried.
Sorry, but I am still not understanding what you are asking. Why the gas nozzle does not lock? From what you have written, I am understanding something specific on your PRIME is causing this. But I have never had any problem inserting a gas nozzle into my 2017 PRIME and locking the trigger on the pump handle as long as the locking mechanism is on the handle as shown on the first photo on my previous comment. Or maybe it is new problem on 2020 model? I have not filled my 2020 PRIME yet, so I don't know.
I think the key point here is that the pump nozzle is falling out. The only reason I can think of for that happening is that the nozzle isn't being inserted the whole way. If you are putting it in as far as it will go and it is still falling out, I suggest you have your dealer inspect to see that there isn't something awry with the filler tube.
As I read this, I think the question is can you get it flowing, lock it, and let go. And as @bisco said, most often no. This is two minutes max out of your life, just concentrate on what you're doing, done. It's a safety thing too. Around here only full-service stations (every damn station in my burg...) have pump handles that can be locked on. Maybe 25 years back we were walking across the street from one such station, and I look over and see gas just agushing out, on one of the cars being filled. Thought "not my problem", and the attendants will be on that asap. The details are fuzzy, but at least a couple of minutes later we're walking back, and the dang thing is STILL gushing. I started thinking I should maybe do something, but just about then an attendant mosied out, did a comical double-take, and started running towards it. Probably 100 liters or more into nearby stream that day.
Really? As I commented on #4, most of gas stations I frequently visit allow locking of fuel trigger at self serve pumps. I've been to a few stations that have disabled this mechanism as shown on the bottom photo on my previous comment, but that's rare around here. But somehow I think that is not what OP is asking. I think what @Jon Bloom commented is correct response to OP's question.
OP needs to come back and clarify? He does say "or else the gas stops flowing" and "fall out". The gas stops flowing is the locking trigger, and the fall out is the spiral of springs around the nozzle. Neither of those are present at self-serve stations here, probably by law I suspect. We live in pretty much the last bastion of full-serve-only in the lower mainland, and I think I've filled up here twice, in 30 years. It's really nuts. This thread is symptomatic of the current culture, lol. Take a couple of minutes break from Twitter, focus on filling the tank. I remember a few years back a guy was proposing that since he had a hybrid, he was entitled to leave it on while refilling, so the car wouldn't revert to "open-loop" when he finished and left.
Are you talking about this? I don't know what the purpose of the spring is, but I think it will not make the nozzle to fall off even with this spring.
Without OP responding, this is only a speculation, but I think I know the problem. Here is the photo of my 2020 PRIME LE (same as OP's model) gas filler opening part with the cap removed. I don't think the white plastic piece was present in my earlier 2017 PRIME model. Can someone check this on your 2017 PRIME? That piece may in fact restrict the nozzle with the spring to be inserted fully causing the nozzle to "fall out". As I said, I have not filled my car yet, so I really don't know this for sure.
To clarify, this is how I've fueled every car I have owned: 1. Put the gas pump into the gas filler 2. Squeeze the trigger to flow gas 3. Use the locking mechanism on the handle to lock the gas pump in place while gas is flowing 4. The gas stops flowing, the pump makes an audible click sound while the locking mechanism releases 5. I remove and return the pump to the station mount The Prius Prime does not allow steps 3 and 4. I stand and hold the pump in place. I am not complaining that this is a huge problem and inconvenience so I can "get back on Twitter". I am just curious if I am doing something incorrectly and want to know about my car. I put gas in the car every 3-4 weeks, it's not a big deal if the Prime does not allow this.
I think it depends on pump speed, try some different pumps and stations, but Toyota hybrids do have sensitive tanks
Thanks for getting back to us. Yeah, as I said, for my previous 2017 PRIME, I had no problem doing 3 and 4 in your steps. I can insert the nozzle and locking mechanism will allow the gas to fill up without my holding the trigger. I don't know what happens to my new 2020 PRIME. I will let you know. My suspicion is the restricted opening in 2020 filler is not allowing the nozzle to insert fully. But just curious, so if it does not allow the 3 and 4 on your car, but if the locking mechanism is there, does the gas overflow?