Aloha, GEN 3 Prius Removing cracked intake manifold tomorrow, just noticed the new one doesn’t have have the two studs that throttle body nuts attach to (throttle body attaches with 2 bolts and 2 nuts.) Trying to confirm I can use the studs from existing manifold in the new one-before I have everything apart in the driveway! Anyone done this? Mahalo! PEH
Yes, just transfer the studs over. You need an E6 Torx socket IIRC (just get a set). Torque values in the attached. Note too, it's not necessary to disconnect coolant lines on the throttle body for this: just lift if off with the lines attached, tie it to the inverter or something. 'Nother note: the 44 inch/pound value for the studs is less than 4 foot pounds (inch pounds divided by 12 is foot pounds). 1/4" drive torque wrench is good, has this range.
Everything went great, thanks again for the info! Car has 155K miles and is now running super smooth. Did OCC on crossmember, used
... 6” hose clamps around a Moroso mount, looks good for now. Next week is EGR cooler. Btw I read the entire OCC thread to prepare for this!
I assume you replaced the PCV Valve while you had the manifold out, hook a catch can to it’s outlet? Shopping for a catch can to install. Haven’t seen a writeup on that yet. Got a link to that, or to the one you installed with a short description of where you put it and how the install went?
Correct, installed new PCV and ran hose from that directly to OCC inlet. Bought a new Toyota vent hose, cut off the 3/8” bend (PCV end), put in barb splicer and ran OCC outlet to that, which vents to intake manifold. Both hoses were about 16” down to OCC, very tidy. Mounted OCC to front crossmember below airbox, fished 2 6” hose clamps around the ears of the Moroso mount, screwed clamps pretty tight, looks sturdy. Invisible from engine bay. I installed new intake manifold, PCV, OCC, cleaned throttle body, cleaned MAF and MAP sensors, and cleaned EGR tube in an afternoon. Old IM had about 3 tablespoons of oil inside. Engine WAY smoother after the work was done. And no check engine lights! The OCC seemed to be decent quality, but throw the included tubing in the trash! Even came with a little roll of Teflon tape for the threads. The Moroso fitting below is the correct size for this can. Cheers! PEH