Wondering if anyone has tried to install a heated replacement steering wheel into a prime Premium. I would think the wiring is the same on all Primes and all that would be required is the switch and a Used or Toyota Replacement steering wheel. Thoughts? Thanks.
I've had my Prime about two and a half years and live in the midwest and have used the heated steering wheel twice. I probably would use it more if it was heated all the way around instead of just the right and left sides. My gloves do a better job. Just my 2 cents.
Ditto! The heated steering wheel and the other upgrades afforded by the Advanced or Limited models were in part our motivation for trading up to a 2020 Limited from our 2018 Premium. The generous rebates, dealer incentives, tax credits, and insane trade-in allowance meant that for a tad more than $2K (+taxes etc) we were able to make the move. I always lusted for the many extra niceties not found on our premium, some frivolous, some downright "gee, we need/want that!" As schja01 says, just get some gloves if that's all ya' want.
I second this POV!!! I feel the same and still frequently kick myself mentally for not just getting the Advanced. I still suffer from my lesson of "frugality" for not paying a little bit more for the Advanced model - in hind-sight it would have been worth the difference, especially as it was a 2017 bought in early 2018 - As well as for the enhanced trade in value (although I usually keep my vehicles until they drop dread) if nothing else, it was worth it for the added blind spot safety feature and the heated steering wheel (not to mention all of the other upgrades!) But coming from a past history of just getting whatever comes in a vehicle as long as it has the basics, I never longed for more. But with the Premium, I am always wishing for the additional features. It's like they give you just enough to feel slighted. I live in the NorthEast/NewEngland region so the heated steering wheel would come in handy for a significant part of the year! And then the additional safety features that it lacks is also very disappointing. I did not realize that I wasn't getting the same safety features. I guess most of the reviews were on the Advanced model (vs the lower models) and I mistakenly thought that the safety features where universal. Live and learn.... I also think this was the only time we were burned by a dealership outright. They were slick in how they hid the bottom line even as we were signing the purchase papers. I will never deal with them again and learned a a valuable lesson regarding what to look out for in the future. Usually we have had much better luck with auto purchases in the past. But, I still can't complain too much. It's much more convenient to come home and plug it in. I don't have to stop at the gas stations except only a few times a year. While I am only using it to drive back and forth to work, about 27 miles a day, it's still nice to not have to stop at a gas station regularly.
We used the heated steering wheel and heated rear seats in our Mirai all of the time during Palo Alto winters. But I didn't want to pay a $3k premium over that of an XLE just to get a heated steering wheel and blind spot protection - the only features we valued in a Limited over an XLE. I would have paid more individually for it, so I'm curious what that would cost to install. I also investigated installing European side mirrors that have BSP and that fold like those of our Mirai.