Just filled the new car up for the first time, and after filling have to wonder whether the NZ Prius (unlike its Australian counterpart?) has a fuel bladder? Reasoning is that even though not empty (2 bars remaining) I couldn't get the standard nozzle to even make the first notch (that is, setting the nozzle to 'auto'), it would keep cutting out. I had to hold it all the way and it must have taken a full 5 minutes to fill her up. Does this sound like a bladder? Do the AU cars fill like this too? Second thing, the thermos. I see a coolant pipe going downwards into the top of a circular vessel deep into the left (facing foward) front part of the engine compartment. Is this the thermos? After powering down the car for about 1 minute I hear a whirring sound from the engine - is this the thermos at work? Comments appreciated - I'm just acutely aware that the NZ Prius is a little rare -d
Dude! You defiantly have the thermos. You are preheating your engine. This is good in winter. Do you have winter at your latitude and altitude? I know little about New Zealand.... Except: 1 loved the scenery from LOR , I will come to fish. Welcome!! OK maybe I know a bit more but nothing bad.
the wirring noise is the water pump to charge the thermos. And if you look in the fuel filler if there is a big rubber ring where the filler nozzle fits in you've got a bladder also. The bladder isn't a bad thing and when you get used to the inconsistencies of the fillups
Diz, I have the same issue with the tank. After 5 clicks, I was still 5 litres short of a full tank. I too have spotted that hose you speak of (Aussie Model), however, I am not convinced that it indicates a Thermos is fitted. I have a photo of a "naked frontend" Prius. That rubber hose takes a 90 bend back into the engine somewhere. It doesn't appear to be connected to the Thermos. Are you sure the sound you hear is not the brake vacuum pump? The brake pump seems to run for around 2-3 seconds from time to time, even when I'm out of the car. Does anyone have a suggetsion how to prove one way or the other? A photo of a specific component would help.
look in the engine compartment. Down between the inverter and the fender look way down. you will see a silver can with a smaller anodized cover held on with six bolts painted red. it's down on the outside of the frame rail. that is the thermos ok call me a liar it doesn't have the cover and it's right under the headlight in front of the fuse box.