Me and the wife are taking a trip back home to see family this week. We recently got our Prius back from a $10K+ body shop repair bill covered by AAA and don’t wanna ruin the front of the car so soon after getting it back. So I did what any car guy would do.......
FYI, the glue on painters tape causes corrosion to metal, if left on for any length of time, not sure what it does to paintwork over time if left on.
I was wondering about that myself. BT is used primarily to keep things from getting paint on them, and it's meant for short term use on surfaces that have not just been freshly painted. I would probably lean away from using it on a freshly painted nose..... Good Luck!
I think it's got something like 20 days before it needs removing. But - as mentioned above, depends on the substrate it's applied to, which in a car should be fairly good.
I'll warn against it. I had a big, thick chip of pant come off a close to freshly painted front bumper cover on my (former) Prius. I had used painters tape to protect the paint when I was restoring the headlights (wet sanding and polishing). The paint on plastic doesn't stick as well as the paint on metal, even with proper prep, and you don't how well they prepared the paint (perfectly clean, used adhesion promoter?).