I have been searching for this in the forum and just can't find an answer. I need a scan tool that can tell me if system is ready for emissions. Of course I also want this scan tool to read all the Gen 2 specific ODB codes. I know I can get pirated techstream and MiniVCI, but I don't really want to be tethered to a laptop and be able to keep with car when needed. Thanks
If you don't want to be tethered to a laptop get one of these: Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus and use Dr. Prius app on your phone... And if you have Android, you can also use Hybrid Assistant app w/companion app Hybrid Reporter, which once you're done driving a couple miles can give you 20 pages of charts and graphs / data about how your vehicle was operating during that drive.
I finally know what adapter to buy! Are you sure these apps will get me emission system readiness? This is my main reason for buying right now and I don't see anything in the app website about that functionality. Thank you
"System Readiness for Emissions" is vague? Or as you said in first post: "tool that can tell me if system is ready for emissions" is also vague. Are you trying to see if your car will past state inspection? Or are you repairing something? Modifying something? If you don't have any warning lights and your car is running fine than why would you think car is not ready for emissions? Or maybe your car has symptoms that indicate a problem, which is usually where a person posting starts. It makes it easier to help. Can you please more thoroughly explain what you're trying to do and why?
The day that I was supposed to get my emissions test (waited until last day to renew reg), happened to coincide with the day my 12v battery died. I changed it that morning and failed the emissions test later in the day due to the fact that the Evap and O2 test results that are performed by the onboard computer are wiped out when you change the battery. Now I need to perform a "drive cycle" to convince the computer to perform the tests again prior to taking it back and getting blacklisted for failing twice (AZ). It is complicated by the fact that I have a check engine light on for the dang three way coolant valve that I don't want to change since the light doesn't prevent anything from working. So I need to clear the code, perform the drive cycle and utilize the testing tool to see if the system is ready for emissions - ie the evap and O2 tests are in the "complete" state.
Carista is inexpensive and works for both android and iPhone. The apps are different on iPhone from android. I believe carista native app for iPhone will tell you if the car is ready for emissions. I run Car Scanner for iPhone and it too has a readiness indicator. It’s really pretty common for most apps to have some kind of feature that reads your ready flags. There are a bunch of them and it depends on the state as to what needs to be ready. Good luck.
I got the VeePeak OBD bluetooth adapter. I think I will be good with the Torque app. Now I just have to figure out the right drive cycle! Every single source I have found is different.
I can find the EG003-02 TSB "READINESS MONITOR DRIVE PATTERNS" but for the life of me I can not find a newer version for vehicles after 2003.
OBD Auto Doctor an Android app, shows all readiness monitors on the Diagnostics tab. That is available even in the free version. You would need a bluetooth OBD adapter paired with Andorid. I do not know if iPhone version is available.
When I suggested Carista, I meant the hardware OBD2 BT dongle. It can be bought for around $20. Works with iPhone and Android, which is more than can be said for many other BT dongles (Android only, most of them).
You definitely need to find Prius help from someone in Arizona that knows the exact data that this emissions test requires... We can try to help you figure it out if you post some links to state rules, but finding an Arizona Prius person who does this all the time can tell you way more than us.
I posted some links to the Arizona I/M program requirements in a previous thread. I haven’t tried to do this, but I wouldn’t count on it working as you expect. A major reason for readiness monitors is to prevent vehicles from passing I/M tests, after diagnostic trouble codes have been cleared, if they actually have conditions that should cause a test failure. See the Repair Manual (more info), under Engine/Hybrid System: 1NZ-FXE Engine Control System: SFI System: Readiness Monitor Drive Pattern.
The drive cycle is usually your normal driving around town and on a highway. I would just drive around as normal and take it on a highway for a few miles. Then check the monitors. In my state (Mass) and most others I know of, the car will not pass with a Check Engine light on, no matter what the cause is. My state allows certain monitors to not be ready to pass. I have a recurring evap valve test failure that will cause CEL to be on. Before inspection I clear the codes, drive for a day and bring it in for inspection and it always passes. Then in the next day or two the CEL comes back on with the evap valve test failure. Your state may be different, of course. So check into it.