Hi All, Long-time lurker, but newly registered and first post. First of all, great information already in these threads. I'm about to hit 100K in my 2011 Prius and have already found a few existing 100K maintenance threads (at a glance, it looks like I should do coolant, transmission fluid drain & fill, check the brakes, and plan for spark plugs at 120K). Anyways, my question is about expected fuel economy at 100K. I've averaged 50 mpg pretty much the entire time except in the past year, I noticed I was getting 45-48 mpg on average. Then, last month, I installed new tires (Yokohama Avid Ascend GT) and noticed I'm getting 42-45 mpg with no change in commute, driving habits, etc. I'm chalking this up to the tires perhaps not being the best for fuel economy, I did not do a ton of research before buying. But I did want to ask (a) what I should be expecting as far as mpg at this point with my Prius and (b) whether any planned maintenance items could improve the fuel economy (e.g., should I go ahead and do the plugs). Looking forward to participating more in these forums and getting back to DIY after mostly going to the dealership up to 100K. Duke
Congrats and welcome! Winter will be 10-20% lower Plan on cleaning the egr circuit, you’re right around blown head gasket mileage All the best!
Thank you both. I didn't even think about the season and I had never really noticed up to this point any major fluctuation of mpg with season, but we do get all four seasons here in Alabama, though generally the winters are pretty mild. This year has been really rainy though. The EGR set of DIY recommendations are on my radar. Will probably plan to check EGR pipe sooner rather than later to see what I'm up against.
New tires has much more tread than very worn tires, that means new tires are heavier and takes more energy to be spun = lesser overall MPG. They have to break in by shedding some more treads through road wear first to get the fuel usual efficiency. Any new tires you get, that will happen. If you want instant results and money grows on your back yard trees, go to an independent tire shop and have them shave some of the tread off the tires. Im closing in on 150,000 miles, getting 63 mpg per tank again.