I have an 08 Prius. We got a year ago and it's been throwing codes for a couple months. Before that we had to misfires had to relace the valve cover gasket. But haven't had power since and mileage has been terrible. Plus burning oil. Its throwing P0420 for the cat converter P3016 and P3000 for the hybrid battery. They turn on some days 10x other days not at all. I have a hybrid Dr app on my phone to monitor the battery and it has options to clear the codes. So that's what I've been doing. Can't afford to fix anything right now. I know it needs fuel injectors because it lags really bad especially going up a long hill. I have to get up to 80 to make it up the hill at a decent speed, but even then why the time I'm at the top I've been going 59 for half of it (hill is about a mile long.) You would think going down that hill would fill up my battery but it only does to about 65%. Phew.... I know I probably need to separate these and put them under proper topics but thata the jist of where I'm at. Awesome forum btw. Very helpful even just being able to read topics. Natalie Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
LoL thanks. I looked at my first post and its almost identical. But different things have happened since then. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The codes have spoken: your car needs a new HV battery. It's slowing down on the hill because it is being propelled mostly by the ICE to protect the weak battery. Prices range from $1600-3500 for new. Cheaper "new" batteries are really used refurbished packs and typically are only as good as the warranty backing them up because most fail like the original it replaced. Burning oil needs consistent monitoring or very bad things will happen. GOOD LUCK!
If you are in the US and are DIY, consider the kit of new cells from @2k1Toaster here for $1600 delivered. That basically gives your car a new traction battery pack. The link is in my signature.
I check the oil every other day. And add as needed. I pretty much keep it full just in case I forget about it for a couple days. It also says I need a catalytic converter. So you dont think the fuel injectors need replaced? It surges or like pulses when going up hills. And my mileage is super bad. It hesitates o tree is SAS sluggish when I take off. Are there even any codes for the fuel injection? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Another thing I was thinking today, when the Dr Hybrid monitors the battery, when the exclamation point and codes turn on all the readings are actually good. It's off and on that the 1 week cell turns red on the battery monitor. Only thing I notice is questionable is the temperature. Is at 112 and 107 108. I was thinking maybe it's the temp causing it to throw a code? The fan for the HV battery turns on too everytime all the time lights turn on. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.