Please note, I think Do Not Disturb (DND) is a every good option to have and to use - as it helps lots of times with keeping everyone less distracted by their phones when they are driving - but I personally feel that having it over-ride the phones' own DND setting is not at all safe, and adds to distractibility. I use hands free voice (to text, and for Siri, etc), but it seems like the Prime is always over riding the phones DND settings. Is there anyway to turn off DND in the Prime's settings? It makes no sense to have it work this way. I thought maybe it was because I had installed the Entunes app, but it appears to make no difference after I removed it. At first I thought it must have been my phone DND setting that was the issue, but it's not, as I have it set to manual for the phone and yet the Prime still puts my phone into DND mode. I cannot for the life of me figure out how or why that would be. Can anyone explain to me if they have experienced the same sort of issue? PS- I have an iPhone and there is no Apple CarPlay option for that year, so that is not coming into play either.
I'm not aware that the Prime has such a function. I use my iPhone in the car frequently and have never had that happen. What exactly do you see/hear when that happens?
I just checked. You must have set your iPhone to activate its Do Not Disturb function automatically when it connects to the car Bluetooth. it is an iPhone feature not a Prime one. It is not enabled by default so you must have turned it on.
Thank you for your reply. But I just checked my iPhone and DND is actually turned off. And the DND while driving is set to activate manually; so I have not manually done anything to it. Nope, I checked the iPhone and it is set to "Manually" - It is not set to "When Connected to Car Bluetooth; It is set to "Activate with CarPlay" but the 2017 model doesn't have CarPlay and the general DND is set to off as well. Hence, it seems to be definitely an issue with the Prius. I'm thinking it somehow has to be due to Entunes (which I apparently have loaded again at some prior point.)
I'll need to check... it has something to do with a DND alert... the screen is locked out as well + there's an alert regarding something about DND... and let you know what the exact behavior is.
My Motorola Droid (Android) must be quite unusual in that the manufacturer has thoughtfully provided it with an "OFF" switch! (…works wonders for saving the battery!)
I noticed the other day that when I tried long pressing the home button to use Siri to voice dial my wife while driving (specifically, while waiting at a traffic light) that it didn't work. I got a microphone on the 11.6" display along with a cancel button and Siri on the phone just sat there listening but not responding. This always used to work. I also have DND set to manual and didn't set it, so something has changed. I haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet, but I hope to. Not being able to voice dial isn't a forward move in the safety realm.
That's what happens with mine most of the time. I've pretty much given up on using voice dialing, but if you find a solution I'd like to hear about it.
I decided to investigate this a bit further. There is an option under Settings / Siri & Search called "Allow Siri When Locked." That was turned off on my iPhone, and whenever the phone was locked it would exhibit that hung-voice-assistant response. But when I turned that option on, I can now access Siri via the steering-wheel button even if the phone is locked. I think this particular option may have been added in IOS 13, but I'm not entirely sure of that.
BINGO!!! That was it. It works now with the home button and the phone pickup button on the steering wheel. Didn't work with either before. Interesting that I could long press the home button to voice dial when not connected to the car but couldn't do it when the phone was connected. I assumed the phone would read my thumbprint either way. Guess not. Anyway, thanks for discovering and sharing that, Jon.
That does seem odd. Maybe the logic is that the Home button won't both unlock and activate Siri on a single press, but why only if connected? The ways of Apple are indeed mysterious!
"Allow Siri When Locked." is on for mine. And still having issues with the screen locking out for DND when driving, even though its set to off/Activate Manually on my iPhone... This is so frustrating since it totally defeats its use for handsfree driving!!!! (But if nobody else is having issues, I wonder if there is some other app that is causing the DND to become active on my iPhone....)