When i go shopping,work,etc! I try to park away from others.Hopeing ill aviod runaway shopping carts and car dingers.Would like to know what others do and has it helped protect your pride and joy!
I do the same thing for some months after buying a new car. Later, as time passes I just park anywhere I find a good place.
I do the same, and/or find a parking space next to a curb (or somewhere else where no one can physically park). In the latter case, I get as close to the curb as possible (without risking scraping the wheels, of course) to maximize the distance between my space and the next. I also installed body side moulding as described in this thread: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=18837&hl= Results so far are good: 9+ months of ownership with no dings whatsoever. Jim
I try to park away from all other vehicles if I have the option. The extra steps are good for me anyway. I have one little ding that I'm fairly certain came from having to park in a tight spot at my son's high school last year. I'm glad I don't have to go near that place anymore.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(huskers @ Sep 24 2006, 11:23 AM) [snapback]324252[/snapback]</div> Maybe you should just leave your Prius at home and walk everywhere. :lol: I kid, I kid!
I think just about everybody is a bit over protective of their new baby regardless what make and model it is for the for first few months. Sadly, I think it actually works against you for parking lot hazard like shopping carts if you park way far away from what you usually would you actually may increase your chances of a stray cart causing a dent and also you may increase the risk of vandalism if yours in the only car all exposed by itself.
I try to park next to other Prii, of course. If there aren't any in the lot, it depeneds on where I am. Walmart = parking far away, work = parking close, grocery store = parking in any space, and so on. My doors will be dinged. I have accepted that.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(huskers @ Sep 24 2006, 10:23 AM) [snapback]324252[/snapback]</div> Ditto that. Walking is good (lots of fun) plus protecting your Prius is, well, critical. It's a win-win solution, n'est-ce pas, Huskers?
I have been very careful; however, at work someone with a weed eater pelted my Prius with small pebbles/rocks. The dings are very small, but I know where everyone is located. One ding is even in my clear bra. Side moulding and a clear bra does not ensure a ding-free Prius. I wrote a letter to management at my company, and the response was that the individuals cutting the grass were new and did not know any better. They were on a trail basis and were warned not to do this again (sure!!!). My place was on an end which only left one car to contend with. Unfortunately, _hit happens! Overall, after eight months the "Silver Bullet" still looks fantastic (but not perfect!). Steve
Parking depends on where I'm at but always make sure I am well inside my space and not straddling any lines. Even with the other car I don't park right up front because walking is always good for me. Haven't seen any other Prii to park next to but will do so if possible. I't always good to show off the car, though. :lol:
Depends on the weather, my mood, whether I've just been out hiking several miles, whether I'm in a hurry. Sometimes I park far away, sometimes I get as close as I can. I never take a space extremely close, as I'd rather leave that for someone who needs to be close. But sometimes I park right in the thick of it. I do avoid parking very close to another car. I won't take a space that's so narrow that a door-ding seems more likely. I've been lucky so far. But my car is no longer new. I've had it 2 3/4 years. Some people actually feel relieved when they get their first ding, as subsequent ones are not so painful.
If I go to a parking lot, I look at the cars I am parking next to and figure out the size of the door so maybe they won't swing it open & hit me. I try not to park next to a BMW, Cad, Mercedes. And then park in the center of the space. Or just go away from all the cars.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JimboK @ Sep 24 2006, 06:37 AM) [snapback]324218[/snapback]</div> I do this also, but in the almost 8 months that I've had the car he has unfortunately acquired the slightest of dings and scratches, which are only noticeable just after a good washing (and only from up close too). <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Skwyre7 @ Sep 24 2006, 03:35 PM) [snapback]324426[/snapback]</div> Same here. It's inevitable.
This has been discussed before in another thread, but I park as far away from other cars as possible. I have lots of dings, but every new ding hurts as much as the first. Some people don't care. Some people don't think anything about dinging your car while opening their car door.
Over 2 years - one very small ding - polished the black paint out, now have to search to even see it. I did install body side mouldings very soon after purchasing my Prius. I park reasonably safe - avoiding big SUV's when possible (those huge, wide, heavy doors...) and try to park at the end of a parking bay (only one side at risk), and always avoid a trashed-out car whose owner obviously doesn't have a care about damage; however, I don't really go to extreme lengths. Guess I'm lucky to have only had one tiny ding. Another upside: I hope to "trade up" to an '07 in a few months and my '04 will classify as "Excellent" condition thus raising its trade value.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LaughingMan @ Sep 24 2006, 01:23 PM) [snapback]324303[/snapback]</div> Been there, still doing that. Works great for reducing my 'footprint', so to speak, but not so great at protecting the car. I've paid the $300 deductible twice now. <_<
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Charles Suitt @ Sep 28 2006, 01:29 PM) [snapback]325188[/snapback]</div> ... What I do as well
My Trixie is not quite two months old. I know dings are inevitable, but I'd like to keep her as nice as possible for as long as I possible. I park far away or on an end spot as close to the edge as possible. It drives my teenage daughter crazy to have to walk farther. I figure it's my duty as her parent to give some of the crazy back to her.