Since their is only one source of light, all shadows should be the same. If there was a faint shadow, it would be cast from farther away, meaning something above the LEM, Unless the command module just happened to be 'in the footprint' of the landing site, there's nothing else above the LEM to cast a 'faint shadow' in contrast to all other shadows
Shadow diffuse due to kicked up dust? If you go to that point in the recording, let it roll, you can see all manner of shadows evolving, as they touch down.
As he says "faint shadow" (or whatever), the proximity probe (or whatever it's called, first thing to make contact, triggers "contact light") starts casting a slim shadow:
What are they going to say when the Chinese land on the moon and see a bunch of footprints and dirty messages scrawled in the lunar dust in English?
No...I was thinking of some rumors I heard.....or want to start. (Clue in the bio of the last person allegedly leaving footprints there.....)