On my phone. Please excuse the lack of details. Left hatch partially open on my 2008, found it dead when I came to it. Left a charger on overnight with no change. As the battery was 6 years old decided to buy new one, once connected the car is now COMPLETELY dead. I have checked some fuses and so far they seem to test good.
ok, now that I'm back at my pc this story must be told, the world must know I'm an idiot. I took the caps off the new battery before I installed it. While connecting the neg terminal, hit the pos and arced it. I thought I could get away with this as it happened to me once on my Explorer years ago with seemingly no ill effects. Long story short, I was wrong. Fortunately, O'Reilleys swapped it out anyway and I'm back up and running.
Swapped what out? The 12 V battery for another one? Whatever happened there is more to it than you have detailed, but you should go and purchase a state lottery ticket as you were almightily fortunate not to do any damage to the car's electronics. Glad you are all up and running.
Yeah, they gave me another 12v, also, the positive was not connected when I arced it so it could not do any damage to the cars electronics.
I've always heard connect positive first, then negative. Use just a box wrench, much less likely to short.
I read this as he inadvertently touched one end of his tool to the (+) terminal while the other end was still in contact with the (-) terminal. If so, at least it didn't weld itself to the terminals and provide a molten steel shower to everything in the vicinity.