Sounds as if you are staying true to the thread title -- "did something stupid?" But, I will admit yours was one of the more entertaining stories I have read on PC lately. Ah, men. So easy to manipulate, but so not worth the effort. kris
Yes, this whole thread is very much worrying obsessively about something that probably doesn't deserve that level of attention. BUT.... BUT.... I'm very much of a similar ilk. I worry about things I know I shouldn't. I recently was making a serving of those inexpensive Ramen Noodles and tossed the season pouch off to the side. When I needed to add it to the noodles it was missing. I spent literally hours looking for that packet. Finally, I moved the entire stove out from it's space, to find that somehow the packet had fallen down the very, very small gap on the side, and then landed vertically on the floor, which made it impossible to see looking from below. My point being? I think most people would of worried far, far less. I spent hours searching, and finally moving heavy appliances. The only reason? I knew it HAD to be somewhere. So anyway, I'm not going to fault the OP for worrying about where the valve cap went to. If the roles were reversed, I'd probably be at the tire center asking them to do an inspection.
We're getting rice noodle packs from Costco, don't come with a "spice packet". I know: Anyway: a few shots of of soya sauce and a dab or two of Sambal Oolek (chili paste), good to go.