OMG, I'm am laughing so hard that I'm crying! Can't...stop....the...laughter...! :lol: :lol: I am going to put that on my sig as well, because that's just too funny to pass up. *weeze* ...stomach...muscles....hurting... still laughing... *dies* Wait, what's this I see? O for the love of god! 300 points! ARRRGGGHHH!!! *falls over and dies* You do know that I just might send my Point-minions of DOOM in your direction, right?
NOOOOO!!!! Not the POINT-MINIONS OF DOOM!!! Arrrrgggghhhh....I'm melting...I'm melting......Oh, what a world, what a world....... :-D Here's a bumper sticker that one of my nephews has on his computer and Michelle also uses as a tag line. I believe the first part of it is in Lord of the Rings or some other fantasy book: Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
Bwa-hahahaha, yes the Point-minions of DOOM! There is no escaping them! *sics them upon you* LOL! I've heard that tag line somewhere! I think it's in one of my friend's fantasy books... either way, I like it. Now if I were the dragon it was refering to, the 'ketchup' part would have to be changed to 'Tobasco'. Yay for spicey foods....
Tabasco, huh? Are you sure you're not Manny in drag??????? (hides toenails......) ------------------ Writer Dorothy Parker was once asked to use "horticulture" in a sentence. She came up with: You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.
What a scary image!!! Manny was that really you pictured in Starbug's Avatar???!!! Hey where did Starbug's Avatar go???
LOL you two! Of course, if "Starbug" is really Manny in drag, do you think he would admit it? After all, if you don't suspect that it's Manny coming up to you, you won't be able to hide your toenails in time.... :twisted:
Visibility and Height Yes, the Prius is great for shorties! I'm 5'2" and can see better out of this car, including over the dash, than in any other car, period. It's great. HOWEVER I do have the blind-spot problem: I must look over the left shoulder, always, to see what's there. Will purchase the convex mirrors suggested and hope this will help. The Prius is the most comfortable car I've ever driven. It's a dream!
Papagena, have you set your outside mirrors correctly? Here's a link to a great tutorial from the Car Talk website. You might still need I'm glad you like the seating--I can't say it's the most comfortable car I've driven (I give the edge to my '91 Camry), but I drove 1,000 miles in two days without experiencing much discomfort. The foam lumbar pillow I got at WalMart will help with that, I'm sure. What I do love about the seats is how high they are! SOOOOO much easier to get in and out for me (5'11", long legs) and my mom (elderly with joint replacements). I'll gladly sacrifice some comfort for the height. BTW I love your ID--are you a singer, an opera fan, or a Mozart fan???
Singer of the Wagnerian persuasion (and proportion!). Once in a while, I'll try "light" stuff like Puccini and Verdi! :lol: :lol: