im going to forego the 25,000 maintenance and do the oil changes & such myself from here on out. How do I make the message go away?
1. While the car is running, set your odometer reading to "Trip A". Then turn off car. 2. While pressing mph/km button on dash, start the car. Keep the mph/km button pressed until you see everything reset (about 8 seconds or so)
During Step 2, you don't actually have to start the car. If you leave your foot off the brake and press the Start button twice with the MPH/KM pressed, it will do the same thing. You can release the Start button after the process starts, but keep the MPH/KM button pressed until it completes. The place to look for the process to finish is where the HSI normally is in the center of the top display, i.e., not the touchscreen. It's also where the "Prius" splash screen appears upon power up. A progress bar will appear and move from left to right. If you're not starting the car, just press the Power button at the end to power things down.
Hei, I own Prius 2014 model 3. Gen. My car just does not have kph/mph button to reset! I tried TRIP button on steering wheel instead and not resetting. Any suggestions? By the way should you reset Maintenance Data after service though you do not get warning on dash screen?!
What is the number of your head unit? Should be right bottom side of it - mine is 57034 and doesn’t have service warning.
You are too low... follow straight up and you'll see it. It hides behind the steering wheel while you're sitting in the drivers seat.
Assuming European models had one and it's in the same place, you should find it down low and almost out of sight.
Then I guess you're stuck till you fix the button. Or you can use Techstream to reset it. Some other ODBII devices might work, too.