I'm looking to buy/rent grid charger. I'm in Dallas. I know there is a group of people in the bay area that co-own a prolong delux system. I'm open to do something similar if anyone in the DFW are is interested. This is my first Prius but already liking them and wanting to keep them for a while. Thanks!
By the way...If it was not clear, I still want to buy a grid charger. Regardless if other member wants to co-own it
I am not sure if you ended up getting a charger or not, but I am also in Dallas and interested in the timeshare-esque model of splitting one with other owners. Mine is a Gen II and it looks like you have a V, so I am not sure if that would affect us being able to use the same charger.
I am East of Dallas. I use my 2015 Prius C (aqua) for Lyft & Uber. I had two battery over-temp events, passengers stuffing things in front of the air intake, and also stored the car in a storage unit for a month in summer. I got the P0A80 code very soon after I took the car out of storage, and started whack a mole module replacement with minimal instrumentation. I now have the OBDLink dongle, Dr. Prius, and Hybrid Assistant apps. I am about ready to buy the Hybrid Automotive prolong system. I also have designed, built, used, taught lab instrumentation and am also thinking about rolling my own. Experience say, however, that I will spend as much, have a system that I can't re-sell, risk mistakes, and generally could be happy to just buy what is already well regarded. While procrastinating on the decision, I want to ask if anyone along the I-35 corridor from Dallas to San Antonio wants to sell, or rent their system. I want access to both the charger and the dis-charger system.