Selling for parts or a “project” car an ‘07 Prius touring. 196K on the odometer. I bought the car as it needed batteries (both kinds) and I thought I’d make a “killing” on it. Well, come to find out, I can’t get it running and neither can my mechanic... I purchased new batteries from “” and a new 12v battery. It is throwing a P3004-131 code and will not run.. I give up! So much for thinking I’d be able to get it running. It’s now in my driveway and ready to sell to someone who wants a project car. $2,500 o.b.o. I have the clean NV title, and invoice for the HV batteries. I don’t want it and have purchased an Abarth 500c that’s more fun to drive. So help me and get it out of my hair....... It’s going on Craigslist and FB Marketplace soon.
Yes it was. I replaced them. I found out later that the car wasn’t equipped for them. I put in a switch in the dash. They don’t work. When I get the car home today( I’m towing it home in a bit) I’m going to take new pictures.