Can someone tell me the most ev range charge they got from their PIP. I'm talking about driving down interstate 81 fromYork, Pennsylvania, to North Carolina and back. I went from zero to 4 miles.
Never took my PiP, before my current Prime, on that long of a trip, but when I would drive about 50+ miles and I used PWR mode I would gain about a mile. I believe it may have had something to do with a more aggressive regen as well as pedal mapping. Of course it may have had something to with the pedal mapping where the incidents of regen would come on stronger or faster due to the quicker cuts of power. iPad ? Pro
How best to rebuild EV range while on the move is an important question, and a rolling interstate like I-81 is a good proving ground. I suspect the answer will not provide the best fuel economy. But, if you only want to charge your traction battery, it seems the best technique would be to power your way to reach top speed at every hillcrest and then regenerate as you coast down each hill. For overall fuel economy, I’d take more nearly the opposite approach, decelerating to the top of every hill and accelerating all the way to the bottom. Either way, you’re likely to annoy some other drivers.
Full charge from Donner Summit to Baxter on I80. Used HV for the few up hill portions. But that's no surprise, Hills/Mountains are great for charging.