Hello everyone,, I passed by the neighborhood gas station, and regular jumped up to $2.75 gallon! Ouch! No $.01/.02 jumps anymore! Day before was $2.69. Costco at $2.40. It was at $2.30 around 6 mo. ago. Based on our population, we have a high percentage of hybrid/EV vehicles in the State. I see a lot of Leafs, Teslas, i3s., along with a lot of Gen. 2-3. There is a lot of free perks to buy an EV vehicle. Free meter parking, use of carpool lane with just driver, free charging stations, a few examples. We tend to have the highest prices in the nation, being isolated, with no competition on gas prices. What do you notice in your part of the country as far as gas prices rising???
You need to update your Profile information. You DO have the option of selecting a non-Prius. Locally it went from $1.98 to about $2.30. Back down to $2.22 last night. Meh. I think crossover utes are going to reach a level of efficiency that's "good enough" for the markets in flyover country, and BEVs and PHEVs are going to continue to slowly become more popular as the infrastructure matures. Yeah, when people start humming Bomb Bomb Iran, gas prices will go up but then they will immediately start going back down. We're about to enter the high holy season of car buying (tax time) and I'm not seeing very many flash mobs down at the local Toyota store trying to scarf up the last of the Priuses on the lots.....mostly because stores in my area are not buying very many of them to begin with. I DO expect that the HyRavs will sell well, but most of that is compliance for getting to ignore what the "H" stands for in HOV lanes.
Where are you located? From $2.69 to $2.75 is only $0.06 jump. That's fairy common jump on gas price in our region over night. It is rarer to see smaller increment $.01/.02 jump up in my local. Most gas stations around me seem to take an advantage of global market event causing the gas price to go up and jump $0.05-$0.20 at at time. However they do creep down slow at $.01/.02 par day. FWIW, our average local gas station has not changed gas price mush in last 12 months. It is staying relatively low $2.40 mark for a long time.
yep, and probably gonna be cheap for a long, long time. with government pressure on hybrid/plug in taxes and fees, sales increases will have to come from the manufacturers incentives and the customers.
Don't come to California then. I pumped at $3.079 the other day. Its even more expensive in Hawaii I believe. When it was at its worse, it was over $4 here.
Gas prices are and have been held artificially low, now and historically, particularly now by massive subsidies. Somebody sneezes in the Middle East, the prices jump. Somebody sinks a Supertanker in the 2 mile wide navigable deep channel in the Strait of Hormuz, the global economy tanks, and the screams from the Suburban Assault Vehicles and trucks the public (here), thinking that gas prices will stay low in perpetuity will either scream or faint at the pumps...
Use to be $4.85 in SoCAL when GW is in position. Not like when Reagan was in 2 terms. 68 cents per gallon. I drove from Torrance to San Fran just to see a chick with a brand new '86 IROC. $12.75 one way total. Life goes on. By the way Happy Friday!
There has been quite a lot of very loud "sneezing" in the Middle East, the most current example being the ongoing Persian (aka Arabian) Gulf crisis, which is an element of a vast matrix of endless proxy wars. I think our globalized economy has developed a few immunity mechanisms against the Middle Eastern sneezing.
It's been almost two months since I bought gas. But I'd better start paying attention. I'll probably be needing it again in 4-6 weeks.
Just looked at a few station prices. $1.98/gallon. South West Side Fort Worth Texas. Yes we are sure at the half mark we fill up every 2 months or so.
$3.59 at one of the local stations on the way to drop the kids off at school. Glad I fill up once every 3 weeks and it is only 9 gallons when I do.
Even with hiccups in the Middle East and the occasional refinery problems, gas prices stay pretty consistent around here, so hybrid/ plug-ins/EV sales seem to be more of a wanting to own one thing. I do see more Teslas popping up than anything else though.
$1.97/gal here locally. That along with "free nights" electricity, our Clarity is averaging about .02 cents/mile right now.