I bought a used 2007 Prius with 200K+ miles for $1400us (taxi for 1 year before), After replacing HV battery and 12V battery with high quality tires myself, It runs very well and very comfortable and very easy cleaning and I love it, However, It still have many small problems and too much labor/not worth for me to fix it. ( problem still need to fix, rear hatch leaking with badly water damaged, I sealed many leak area but it is still mild leaking, Remote FOB is not working, SKS and remote is not working, I bought a Transporter chip with case as back up key($10) as cheapest option, bottom of car rusty, front socks are worn, There are some exhaust smell leak from front area to inside car .....) Car insurance is getting very expensive, I am thinking to get a better one, There are many Taxi drivers in our area, They are selling their 2016 Prius with 500K+ miles for $5000US range and car look like very new, Anyone know how well those high mileage prius, are? Money VS value?
I like to say, there are used cars and then there are used up cars. 500+k miles falls into the used up category for me. You seemed to have learned a lesson on the first taxi purchase. Where I live, $5k buys a still nice and somewhat low miles (comparably) Corolla or similar. GOOD LUCK!
Yeah, I wouldn't buy anything used as a taxi no matter the price or how well maintained it was. 500k miles is 500k miles regardless of age. That's just a lot of wear and tear that is ready to fall apart.
Thanks for all reply. My present 2007 Prius with 200K miles, It has too much wear and tear in our mild climate for this mileage, I guess that its Odometer was altered, I was Electronic Tech before, Those Odometer EEPROMs are very easy to hack. This day, I saw it on line that you can reprogram your G2 and G3 odometer EEPROM using proper cheap OBD tools which I do not want to discuss here. Tha't why I am thinking G4 prius . I will keep on driving my present prius and fix it as much as I can during Summer. Anyway, I will keep on looking on good deal on used G3 Prius.
I bought an ex taxi Prius, 2008 model with 720,000km on the clock, site unseen. It has small issues but 3 yrs on it is still a great little car. It does like to flatten it's 12v battery regularly but I made up a lithium battery out of used Winston cells I had here and that has solved the dead battery problem. When it decides it doesn't want to turn on I just put the charger on the battery for an hr or so and all is good again. It did have a blocked catalytic converter and that caused lots of exhaust smells, but an after market unit for AU$100 and a replacement fuel filter and it runs great again. It's classic Australian taxi orange and looks like a taxi that has had a big life, so no one attempts to park you in at a shopping centre or even close enough you could open a door into their car :lol: As a cheap point A to point B transport option, hard to beat, you can't expect to buy an ex-taxi and expect it to be anything more than an ex-taxi, that is why it was cheap in the first place. T1 Terry
i brought a 07 for my daughter from the local gov auction for $800 with a 187,000. It was a meter maids car, the drivers seat was worn out as well as the carpet. I went to my local salvage yard and got front seats, carpet and some other parts all for $150, after buffing the car it it looks brand new. Her car runs great with no major problems, other than the 12v battery dying after 3 days of the car sitting and the door locks dont work with the key fobs, have to unlock with the key....i am starting to think those two problems are related...but its a great car and she loves it.
The 12v battery failing is a common Prius problem and the doors not opening with the key fob nor the rear hatch is just part of that flat 12v battery problem. It the engine bay there is a fuse box cover you can remove and there is a red plastic piece over the terminal where a thicker black cable enters from the side. If you put the read positive lead from a battery charger on that terminal and the black lead on one of the strut mount bolts just above the fuse box, you can recharge the 12v battery enough to get everything working again. If you full charge the battery you can see if it will hold a charge, double check the rear hatch is properly shut and not keeping the door ajar and inside lights on and that is why the battery went flat. The most common cause of that is a poorly fitted or in poor condition rear hatch door seal T1 Terry
Will do, I brought a AGM charger from amazon with a quick disconnect cables and I will add that to it since she parks her car close to the garage anyways. Also, that's the thing with the car. All the interior lights go out and after the car is locked down and the only light is the flashing red car icon on the dash (I think thats the car icon) the trunk will unlock with the fob but the doors will not, I thought it was the motors in the lock actuators, I looked at videos and replaced the motors in the actuators for the door locks but it still didnt work (also I forgot to mention the door locks dont even work with the inside switches).