I'm stuck in some screen that gives MPGs for last two trips. I've tried turning Power off and on. When I go to Audio screen then hit "Home" it goes to "last trip MPGs", not the screen that shows Battery Charge Level and how power is flowing in real time (the real "Home" default screen). How do I get "Home"? (no ruby slipper jokes, please)
7” or 11.6” screen? Home is typically navigation. The screen you’re looking for is called the Energy Monitor (7”) or Energy (11.6”).
If you have the 7" display (assuming the 2 ECO), start on page 162 in your owner's manual. Basics steps would be: Press the “MENU” button. Select “Info” on the “Menu” screen. Select “ECO” on the “Information” screen. If a screen other than “Energy monitor” is displayed, select “Energy”.