I was spoiled by my other Prius's headlights because I had added HID lights to it. The Prius II I have just has the miserable halogens, they leave me wanting something better each time i drive the car at night. I want to add fog lamps to it as well as either HID's again ( if I can find a kit to do it) OR LED's Which would you choose to brighten things up and let me see the road better? Clearly it seems the LED'S re easier to install but are they as good as or better than HID? If I was to go to LED there are so many for sale I wouldn't know which one to choose. Thanks "ES"
I don't know about the aftermarket LEDs for Gen 3, but the LEDs on my Prime are the best headlights I've ever had. The high beams are a little too narrow, but they are still way better than HID or halogen.
I bought the Sealight S1 LEDs (non-fan, passive cooling version) to replace the low beams in our 2012 hatchback. Once I unbolted the coolant reservoir on the passenger side, the installation there took about 10 minutes and another 10 minutes for the driver’s side. Although the light is distinctly more bluish than the OEM halogens, they are much brighter and we have both been very happy with the increased visibility at night. As the power consumption of these LEDs is so low, we are also driving with them constantly ON during the daytime also in order to increase visibility to others.
All good information! I had fitted HIDs on my last Prius and loved them,but it was a pain finding room for the ballasts. They were 4600K not the more bluish 6K. Driving this Prius with the stok halogens is miserable,plus I added fog lights to the other one. I never should have sold that car is all I can say, so take care what you wish for. I really miss that car. Now I have to try and re create all I did to that car on this one. I already see that I can't get the LED panels I used on the interior map and dome lights. Oh well no one to blame but myself. Many thanks to you all! ES
Georgina, In my previous 2011 Prius II I had fitted 4600K HID lights and really loved them I guess there's no way to compare them but to try 'em! Like a fool I sold that wonderful car and all the mods I did went with it <sigh> Now I am trying to re-create on this 2011 all the things I did to the other one. Looks like these LED'S have a pretty good rating, there are so many manufacturers out there now it makes my head spin, so I am glad for any input. Regards, "ES"
I have a pair of Hikari H11s in my Halogen projectors. Yes, the fans are loud when stopped. Yes, they’re worth it. Bright even beam pattern with a razor sharp cutoff. Factory halogens were abysmal and I frequently wondered if they were on. These are 90% of the HIDs that my 14 Mustang had.
I have been using the Cougar Motor headlights and they have been excellent for 3 years so far. I have a set for the low beams and second set for the high beams.
Do the latest Prii have LED headlights as standard equipment? ff so, that would be a good place to start for deciding what LED replacements to use in an older Prius, no? And does not the stuck-in-the-past NHTSA have some strict limitations on the permitted light output of headlights? (I think I have read that some European cars have headlights with computer-controlled beam shaping and aiming, but they would be illegal under current NHTSA rules.)
I've never read of standards for retro-fitting older vehicles. The companies make claims that their product is compatible(voltage and socket), but the shape is going to determine how the light gets reflected forward & with how nmuch splay.Trial and error. Best you can do is try to find an LED that is physically similar to your OEM, and hope the focus isn't crazy off. You don't want to blind oncoming traffic.