Just looking at posts and wondering: Who, what, why on some names? Mine, Stevewoods, is easy. It is my actual name. Although I usually have a space in there. The pix, well, it is from google images after I made a very stupid posting...but, it holds a minor resemble...
Nice to make your acquaintance, Stevewo! er, sorry Steve. I dreamed up my username on the spot like I always do with any forum sign-up page. The picture is random fan art of the fictional Dr. Sidney "New Jersey" Zweibel as portrayed by Jeff Goldblum in an old movie. Neither are significant; no hidden meanings.
My screen name is just one I have been using for various forums/emails over the early years. IIRC it was one of my very first email addys from 20+ years ago. I used various forms ie dirtstar dirt2star stardirt etc Not exactly sure how it first came about but easy to remember back in the day! My pic is the first I took after purchasing both same day back in oct 2014
Mine is my old AOL Instant Messenger screen name. Haven't used that in almost 20 years, so why not. But I combined my first name with something I achieved, which is what you see here.
Yesterday I was just chatting about AOL and the lovely dial up! ohh boy the days back then funny, had more patience back then than now with gigaspeeds!
My wife was studying Special Education and I needed a username on eBay to sell some materials. I dreamed that instead of special needs students, she could teach gifted students. Really, Special Education is just the good education everybody should have. We home-schooled our kids through high school but sometimes I wonder of she took Special Education in order to better understand me Anyway, my screen name developed and it was just easier to use it elsewhere too. Unfortunately, God had other plans. She graduated and got her teaching certificate. Her first year if teaching, H1N1 hit and she has had chronic migraines ever since. The best guess is the flu caused some brain damage so pain management is the only option. Parayers are welcomed.
It was the thing when I was growing up in rural PA. It was a way to avoid using the house phone where parents could intrude. And you could have multiple conversations at the same time. It also avoided having to call the girlfriends house and having to talk to her parents. Some conversations are best avoided.
Kids today do not have the attention span to read things. They expect everything handed to them in video format. I recently started using our old Laserjet 6MP printer again and realized how much faster current printer are and how Impatient I have become.
One of my staff is married to a special education teacher. We call him her test case. Sorry to hear about your wife though. Unfortunate how things work sometimes.
Mine was passed on from Twitter handle name when I first linked to PC account, but I no longer have the Twitter account. The name came from one of the game character, either Playstation or Nintendo, my son was playing on the TV screen at the time I signed up for Twitter. Although I actually never played the game, I had an interest in urodele amphibians back then. Found memories of my former life.
Mine is not complicated. It's 'part' of my military identity. ETC Electronics Technician Chief Petty Officer SS Submarine Qualified My military rank is/was ETC(SS/EXW).....although some in my former unit thought that it should have been ETC(EXW/SS)....ETC(EXW/SQ) or even some other variants. Since dot.mil = dot.gov it gets wonky pretty fast. The "EXW" is a new warfare designator (or designation) adopted in 2006 to recognize folks in certain communities that did not have pretty insignia to present to promotion boards and wear on their uniforms. Since I had been in the community for quite a while and met all of the qualifications standards in 2006, my record was annotated and they told me to start wearing the insignia. They had to have a cadre of old hands to train and certify younger sailors going forward. However (comma!) it didn't "feel right" to me so all of my gear, including coffee cups have always been marked or stenciled ETC(SS) I joined PC in 2010 so ETC(SS) just seemed 'right' to me. Done.
Originally used the name of my Prius, but switched to something I've been using for other places after I sold the car. The pic is something I grabbed from My Little Pony. I put it up after bisco finally did. Guess it's time to change it. PS: I just threw out an old AOL CD.
Legally I am James Palmer, but I have not willingly gone by James since 3rd grade. jim is a problem, as my grandfather Jim used Slim, his boy, my uncle Jim, used Jimmy. My father Jim used J.J. And I use Jimbo. My first employer had 21 computer programmers, 7 of which were named Jim, so I kept Jimbo professionally. The photo is my wife and I at my daughter's wedding.