Just thought I'd share this... I bought a snow plow for my jeep but needed someway to get it home. It weighs less than 4 200# passengers.
Yeah, I have seen that video. Impressive. I would not try it with my PRIME, but if I had an old beater... I want to give a try.
Old timers here still talk about the time here that snow touched the ground and didn't melt for several seconds.
I saw that in Denver several times. Not fun on a motorcycle!! But it's too warm here. In the 24 years we've been in Tampa (less the nine years in Honduras) I've only seen hail once and it was pea sized. And that's fine with me. Hail is impressive, but I'd much rather deal with snow.
We are not in very heavy snow area, but our region gets the average seasonal snowfall of ~100 inches. We had a contracted snow plow service of our drive way for the first 5 years or so after moving here. Then the guy who did the plow moved. We could have looked for another plow truck service, but we decided not to. The problem was that although the plow truck moves a bulk of snow from the driveway, the wide plow would not go into spaces near the house and garage. There were always quite bit of snow to be shoveled by hand anyway. We invested in gas engine push snow blower and doing by hand ever since. Still, from time to time, when very wet and heavy snow falls, I wish I had a plow truck of my own.
I used a snow blower in Ohio. Two stage. Worked great except the time that the state piled a 4' high ridge of hard packed snow across the end of my driveway. Road was fine. Driveway was fine. Just couldn't get from one to the other. I'm not sure a plow on a pickup would have cleared that one. I used a shovel for several hours. Fond memories. LOL!
My Jeep is a CJ-5, way smaller than a Prius... I only plow when the Prius tires can't touch the pavement for grip and it high centers on the underbody. And I've been through some deep snow with the Prius and never really had a problem. 4" of loose snow is not a problem for a Prius. Hard pack is different. The Jeep comes out... Put the plow on it? Nah. That is not what I bought the car for.
Yeah, shoveling snow by hand is a very hard work. We always get a pile of snow at the end of drive way. If they are fresh and light snow, my blower has no problem clearing it. The problem is when very wet snow falls and the pile get frozen solid into ice overnight. I had to use very heavy duty scraper like on the pic below for that job.
That would not work here. The snow is usually too wet & heavy for blowers. The state takes forever to get to our 0.4 mile street so my neighbors use their farm tractors to plow the road and usually many driveways too. We need to try the 5 foot blade on our tractor this winter. I doubt it would fit my Gen 4 Prius or my son's Prius v.
Yeah, we have those folks around here too. Fortunately, my house is on a state highway. The town plow our street on the first sign of snowfall day or night. Subdivisions and private roads are different story. I often wonder how those folks can afford to own a big tractor or heavy front loader when they don't even own a farm. Our driveway is almost 100' long but it is paved and easy to blow snow to the sides. Still, having a tractor or front loader with plow blade would be so much easier. I looked into pricing smaller John Deere tractor with snow plow blade... I could buy 2 or 3 used trucks for the price. And in our local, used trucks often comes with plow blade already on it.
Lot's of people use a blade on their small 4 wheeler, Works well if you get enough speed up... Here is an electric 4wheeler designed with snow plowing in mind... EV Safari 4x4 | Adult Electric ATV | DRR USA I think some people use it as an excuse just to buy a 4 wheeler.. Surprisingly, they are road legal in my county. Go figure...
Yap, I've seen those too. But again, not much cheaper than a small garden tractor option. For $500, I can have a very decent two stage snow blower that's small enough to fit in my already cramped garage/storage. Using snow blower, if it's only driveway portion not including nook and cranny around buildings, I can clear a foot of snow in less than 30 min.
Not with our wetter, heavier snow. New England snow is different than Virginia snow. I know, because I am originally from Toronto Canada. Snow blowers work well up there most of the time. We have an old 1970 Farmall tractor for our garden but its technology dates back to the 1940s. Those oldies are hard to kill. I hear a Farmall Cub can be good for smaller gardens. Farmall Cub - Wikipedia
Yeah, we get some of those wet snow every once in a while. But it usually happens in April or even in May. Day temp get high enough, those snow do not stay around too long. I don't even worry about them much. That being said, my snow blower is powerful enough, such that even very heavy slushy snow can be handled. It takes longer, since slush can't be thrown far, but it can be dumped a few feet away. I can get the width of driveway cleared without much effort.