My Prius is a delight, but those beeps upon putting it into reverse are driving me just a bit crazy. :roll: Is there a way to disable them? I'd love to know! Thanks....Papagena
Yup It is in the archives somewhere, but here is a link to a thread
I don't think the manual tells you how to do it, just that you can take it to the dealer. Same thing with changing the door unlocking behavior - dirver only, all, etc.
Right What I read in the manual is how to turn off the service light. I also reprogramed the door unlocking sequence and turned off the reverse beep. I now remember that the information for doing latter came from this forum; for the former I believe it came from the manual. ??
Back-up Beeps THANKS! I've printed out your instructions, and now will put them into effect. What a relief! Papagena