Hello everyone, I am new in the forum. I have a 2008 Toyota Prius with 278000 miles on it. I am facing a tough problem with. The problem started two months after I replaced my CV axles with aftermarket ones. The symptoms are not complicated. My driver side wheel has a resistance when turn to the right even slightly. and a bizarre noise can be heard coming from somewhere behind the engine close to the dashboard. I jacked both front wheel, and put the car in drive mode. I can see that my left tire rotates slowly compare to the right mostly when I turn the wheels to the right. I changed the wheel bearing, brake pads, brake caliper with new ones but the problem persists. I changed the both CV axles again with OEM (used parts) but the problem persists. left wheel seems to lack rotation power when turned to the right. The resistance is slighter when both wheels are straight. When turn to the left, resistance and noise disappear and the left wheel rotates normally like the right side one. I really need help, did someone ever had that problem? It s not the brake, neither the wheel bearing for sure as I even removed the brake caliper while the tire were rotating to check the pads. Nothing obstructed the rotor, brake dust shields don't touch the rotor at all. Thank you for your help guys.
No it can't be the brakes. I just came from Toyota for a diagnostic. They asked around $299 for just the diagnostic. I didn't expect that price as it has always been around $150. I still don't know what is the problem. I can fix it myself if I am aware of the cause. Also my brakes seem to slip at the end of a stop, around 9mph when braking lightly. It's very weird. Look like that resistance cause something in the front ABS.
I drove the car to Walmart. When I started the car to go home, I heard a cranking metal to metal noise coming from the axle or the transmission, like the transmission is totally dry. I drove it slowly at 3mph and parked it somewhere. I will see what to do tomorrow.
A possibility but that noise increased today as I hit my axles yesterday thinking they were not notally in. I think something is wrong with the way I installed the axles. Either I pusher them too much or the ring is bent. I will remove them to see closely. I will let you know. People seem to have a strange noise after changed their driveshaft axles.
Hello everyone, My passenger side wheel bearing needed a replacement. I don't hear the noise anymore but when I jack the front tires and put the car in drive mode, only one wheel spins freely. The other one has a kind of resistance. Now it's the left side wheel, couple days ago, it was the right side. I need to understand what does that mean.
Transaxle doesn't have limited slip differential in it. So when one wheel starts to turn before the other it will just keep doing that. But resistance to turning might also mean that the front brakes may need servicing.