Hi. I am about to buy a used 3rd gen Prius. Most likely a model btwn 2011 & 2015. Under 100k miles. I am a middle aged male with a spotless driving record. I live in Long Island NY. i was curious what y’all are paying to insure your Prius and if you have any recommendations for one provider over another provider. thanks!
Maybe worth clarifying what level of insurance you're looking for. Just third party liability**, or collision/vandalism* as well? Up here, we're paying about $1200 a year, have the minimum liability insurance (maybe $200K, $500K?), plus $500/$300 deductable collision/vandalism. * aka "comprehensive" ** protection if someone sues you Oh yeah: I'm getting a deduction (maybe 5~10%?) for being a senior. And CDN $'s. That's with Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), a crown corporation and pretty much THE insurer.
65 YO male, Erie Insurance, 450/year full coverage $500 deductible on collision, 0 deductible on comprehensive.
32 y/o male and 28 y/o female $100k/$300k - $50k uninsured motorist w/ $500 deductible (full coverage) $233.40/6 mo Location also is a factor - NC
jburg wow!........I'm also in NC and pay yearly what yours is for 2 months! My agent is Lipstone Insurance in Cary if you'd like to check with them...a family business. BTW I lived in Cary and Durham all my life until my retirement (from IBM in RTP) ...decided to get away from all that traffic 6 years ago and moved out here to Sanford....
Sorry if my post wasn't clear. I am right around where you are ($466.80 for the year), but I appreciate the information. I actually work on Davis Dr right down the street from IBM. I agree, the traffic is getting more and more ridiculous and NCDOT is a banana slug. Unfortunately, I have alot of my career left.
Looks like you were clear and my reading comprehension needs work. I grew up in Durham and remember when the RTP was created (meaning I'm very old!). We used to drag race out on Davis Drive in the RTP before there was anything there..... Also from Durham to Apex on 55 there were no stoplights, only a few farms along the way.
$70 bucks a month for full coverage with Mercury. I have a clean record and it seems high to me. Will be looking to get insurance quotes from other providers.
Comparing auto insurance premiums is difficult because of differences in rating factors and methodologies. I’d suggest asking several companies for quotes, or if you’re really curious, get copies of their classification plans and rating manuals from your state’s insurance regulator. It’s also important to consider differences in coverages and limits of liability. People refer casually to “full coverage,” but as Nationwide and Progressive both explain, that doesn’t really exist: no policy covers every conceivable loss. (Maybe Ajit Jain would write you one, but I doubt it.) In many states, the minimum limits for third-party liability coverage haven’t kept up with the rising costs of medical treatment. Depending on your assets and earnings (or future earning potential), you are likely to need more liability coverage, and maybe even an umbrella policy. In states where it’s offered, I’d also suggest having generous uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, if you can afford it, especially if anyone in your household is a frequent pedestrian or bicyclist who might be injured by a negligent driver.
Married 43 years old clean dmv record. $30 @ month for 7 months. Minimum required by law Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I will have to check with my insurance company State Farm to see if anything is cheaper.. 2008 Prius two $93 a month 250 Collision deductible zero deductible for comprehensive. 2012 Prius two same coverage $100 a month. I live in southern Indiana
The lady (36) and I (39), both with clean records, are about $125/mo for a 2015 Prius II in Chicago. Off the top of my head, the deductibles are $250 comp, $500 collision.
That's a good deal, especially with those deductables. As long they're not really sticky when you make a claim, I'd "ahem" stick with them.
An auto insurance rates are so vastly variable depending on so many conditions and factors but for sure age, model of car, driving record, location of car, how often and how far you drive, etc. My rate in my location and conditions would probably give you no reference for your situation. Most insurance companies nowadays have online quote that will give you exact cost before you even see an agent. My company GEICO does fantastic job of giving exact cost without ever speaking or corresponding with an agent. I can do a lot of "what if" scenario and gives me how much change in the premium would result.