Hello, I had this posted on the wrong thread and got an answer, apparently, I need to let the dealer or certified locksmith do this but would like other opinions: I have a Prius gen 2 (2008) Only one key fob which I have used for a couple of years to drive the car by putting it on the key slot. I open the door with the physical metal key. Recently, I installed a new 3V. battery on the FOB, activated the SKS with the switch (under the dashboard) in the out position, but none of the wireless functions works... I know the car has the feuture. I remeber unlocking/locking the doors with the keybob... Not sure if the remaining fob is the master or spare... I had two initially. Lost one about 5 years ago... I am trying the "chicken dance" but with only one key, I guees is not the right "tool" I don't get the car to give me any feedback "lock/unlock" after attempting "reprogramming" The only thing I notice is the red lock icon some times flashing or steady.... My goal is to get two keys fully functional. Or at least one. I am thinking it could be one if the sensors in the car. The key is probably good. I think this key did work fully SKS at one point in time. Each of the buttons in the key activates the key's tiny red light when pressed. Also, I find weird that the "Smart Key Status" read from the ECU with my OBDII Torque Pro. is allways ON regardless of the switch possition - in or out (under the dashboard).. By the way, after I sutdown the car and lock it, I can see through the window, the red anti theft "key lock icon" goes staedy for about 40 secs then stays blincking... Not sure if this is the normal "behavior"
Update: feedback from the Prius. At step 9 of the "chicken dance" when I get the key out the car locks and unlocks. (One cycle) I think this means the key is recognized as a masker key? Maybe the problem is a sensor for the sks???
Procrastination often comes at a price (BTDT). If the problem would have been taken care of 5 years ago, the money would have be much easier to justify and better spent. Water under the bridge now...... Go to a locksmith with every FOB you want to work. Shop around for best prices. GOOD LUCK!
I wouldn't think this would be likely. There are 4 sensors around the car, and it is very unlikely they all went bad at the exact same moment. The problem is the car no longer recognizes the fob.
In 2012 I did the chicken dance to program the spare FOB my car came with, but didn't realize at the time it was programmed to a different vehicle. My primary key in the process of that chicken dance lost its ability to allow starting the car without the FOB in the slot. The SKS still works, but at that point I gave up. Buying a brand new FOB or one that has been wiped and is like new, as long as it has the silver logo on it would be the next step for me. Also, if you install Toyota techstream and have a higher quality Mini-VCI plug you get a limited ability to control the FOB programming, but haven't tried that yet. The best fix is an electronic locksmith that's a large enough business to pay the monthly Toyota security access fee, in which case they can wipe all your FOBs from the system and reseed them. Supposedly the security code that you have to enter to do this can also be done via a service in the EU that for $30 or so can do a mathematical calculation of your VIN# to generate that security code. Not sure if that business is still around, but if you track 'em down, let us know.
Thanks. Yes, locksmith seems to be the way to go, for now I need to replace the driver's side HID ballast that just burned out, again... it may be due to rain leaking into that headlight and ballast