So I, like many people, have a weakness for Chocolate. When I'm in the supermarket, I''ll buy 1-2 maybe 3 if they are on sale, of the BIG bars of chocolate. When I buy them, I say to myself, those will be great to enjoy a piece or row of chocolate occasionally, after dinner, or just on impulse. But the idea is a piece, a row,- once in a while. And my that those bars will last me weeks..maybe months. The reality? I open the wrapper, san's Golden Ticket, and break off 1 row. Eat it. Break off the next row....can't hurt right? 20 minutes later....all I have is empty wrapper and I've consumed upwards of 8 solid ounces of Chocolate. I can feel my teeth melting, and my arteries crying out for an angioplasty. I have no will power here. Chocolate is so good. I don't know if it's a diabetic coma, but I almost black out. I have a huge bar of chocolate...and then a wrapper. Look around for the crop circle, because I'm missing time. Maybe I'm being abducted by some space equivalent version of malevolent Oompa Loompa's that force feed me Chocolate? I think in life, you should allow yourself to enjoy in moderation, those things that you can enjoy. But I'm Tony Montana sitting at his desk with a pile of Cocaine when it comes to chocolate bars. You want a piece of my Hershey Bar? Say Hello to my Little Friend! So what do I do? Do I have to simply stop cold turkey? No chocolate? I can't seem to handle the "In Moderation" part of the deal. I think this all started back in the Halloweens of the 70's and 80's when my brother and I would walk miles and miles filling up pillowcase after pillowcase of candy. Back when will power wasn't necessary due to a metabolism hell bent on reaching adulthood. And parents that insisted I brushed my teeth. I was so much older then...I'm younger than that now. I can't handle....The Chocolate. I know I should just break off 1 row...then place the remainder in a plastic baggie, and out of sight...out of mind. BUT....1 row of delicious chocolate, is a paramount temptation that can only be supplicated through life threatening indulgence. I need shock therapy. Or some type of anti-chocolate boot camp. I know this bad. Augustus Gloop got exited from the tour, because he couldn't resist drinking the chocolate with his hands from the chocolate river. When I was a kid? I wasn't going to be Augustus Gloop. I got the moral lesson being taught from the Oompa song and dance segment. 40 years later? Lesson lost. -I'm a middle aged Augustus Gloop, OK...there are far, far worse addictions. I'm not meaning to make light of those struggling with those addictions at those life destroying levels. Addiction to Chocolate...minor by comparison. But...OMG....I did it again...the bar is gone!
only 1 bar? Once that bar is gone, the next one is ripe for picking. been there done that. 5 pounds of chocolate once lasted a whole week....
Two of my offices are in fairly small towns in the deep South----"small" meaning about 2,000 souls. One of these has what I like to call a "used food" - or discount grocery store. Normally I get "the look" from my CFO for frequenting one of these establishments, but---hey, 50 miles from home, right? Think: Dollar General Store with fire-sale prices. I actually LIKE these places since they will frequently have 'hippie food' that is well within date, but goes unsold in the deep South because people down here never get quite hungry enough to eat something with Quinoa, Pea Protein, or Kale as the primary ingredient. Being an almost Vegan, I can get some of these staples for 1/10 of the prices that Food Wholes charge, and I do not have to worry about them being sold out of these items. The only downside, is that sometimes I'll have to answer some interesting questions about why somebody who works at the phone company is shopping in a used food store. SO.... The last time I went into one of these stores with $3 burning a hole in my pocket they had ............left over, Christmas labeled Snickers, M&M's, etc all on sale for about 1/4 of their street price. Somehow, 50 miles later I arrived at my home town with the remains of four double candy wrappers (2 snickers, 2 Twix dark chocolate) and 2 king sized Christmas red and green M&Ms that didn't make it to the end of the next day. ....I'm going to wait a little while before I venture back into that store, and I'm going to bring only $1 with me and make sure that the change tray is empty before I lift off from my home office!!!! Yeah.....I can relate.
Aside from cheese, chocolate is the most addictive foodstuff. It just might be the sugar that you are addicted to, and secondly, the cocoa that it is built around. Do you eat milk chocolate, or dark? Dark, if you can handle it, and being somewhat bitter, might possibly be less addictive. Might be able to fight off some of the urges if you eat dark chocolate. Then, there's the 100% variety. It is bitter, though. While not technically chocolate since the sugars are missing, once accustomed to the taste, it can be satisfying. I eat the Montezuma brand of 100%, and add a dab of salted almond butter to it. Neither has added sugar, yet with nut butters, the combo somehow tricks the taste buds and your brain into thinking you're eating something sweet and naughty. If chocolate addiction is a problem, you might want to try 100%. Your psyche and mood will thank you for eating something fun without the guilt of having consumed mostly sugar. Lots of people are doing this now, as the ever-rising sales of 100% at our store seem to spell out.