I'm thinking of buying the 3m paint protectant film for the front end of my 06 Prius. I've found it a couple places on the web that sell the kits. Car Pretty in Edmonton (I think) sells many patterns. the two kits, one for hood and mirrors and one for front bumper, come to around $400. Has anyone installed this for the hood and bumper themselves? I hear the bumper is very difficult. Also, is anyone aware of somewhere with a good price? Thanks for the help!
I have and its a PAIN! Get a pro to do it if you want a good looking job. Mine looks OK but it has its flaws. If I had to do it again I would spend a little more and get a pro to do the install.
If you search around the forum, you'll find this topic comes up a lot. There's a lot of good information about it. I installed mine and it came out pretty well. It's not for the feint of heart, tho. But the professional install in my area was VERY expensive, like $500-800 for the car.
Yes it is a royal pain. I made a pattern for the bumper face and even then it didn't line up right. It streches some, it's tacky, it gets air bubbles, it's hard to trim in place. It's thick, so going onto compound curves is very difficult. I have it on the front face of my bumper, the part below the radiator opening and over the front of my HID headlights (adds "lines" to the headlight pattern) I bought an 8'x12" piece on eBay for about $50.
Thanks for the feedback. I have another question for anyone who's used this product for a few years. After installing the film, considering you won't be able to wax those areas, will the paint fade at a different rate than the waxed areas of the car? Thanks in advance!
You can wax over the 3M stuff. I put Zaino over mine. The paint wont fade or should not fade because the bra is clear. The bra on the other hand I think is garanteed not to fade or crack for 5 years but I think it lasts longer than that.
I installed mine and I agree it is a royal pain. Te problem is that you know where the flaws are and that's the first thing that you see, even if others can't. Check for installers in your area, many shops that do tinting also install 3M or competing films.
I had it done by the dealership. Cost me 350$ Cnd for the hood, side mirrors and all along the bottom of the doors. Also the 3M Scotch Guard for the interior works wonders, had it done on other cars. You appreciate with kids & teens, when you wash.