Rip Van Winkle here - An accident with my 200+Kmiles Gen2 has lead me to purchasing a used 2017 Prime. Wow! What fun! Thanks Rob43 for the 240V hack of the Prime EVSE, I already had 240V 50A in my garage for welding. At work I can easily set up 240V at my dedicated parking space. My employer is slowly expanding their charging station locations, but the wait may be a year. I'd like to get Level 2 at my parking space inexpensively until then. Reading the threads here, it sounds like an OEM charger is preferred over a cheapie from ebay or amazon. So my question is: does Rob43's hack work on any other Level 1 OEM chargers (Leaf,Volt,...) that can be found used at low cost? Are any of the inexpensive ones (Orion, Dousida,ebay no-name) worth $150? Thanks in advance!
Thanks and you're welcome. Yes, several other (not all) OEM EVSE units work perfectly at 240 volts. I would use one of these used EVSE units any day of the week if for nothing else but the charge handle fitting properly in your Prime every time you plug in and out. Rob43
>NO, some OEM EVSE's are ONLY for 120V. >>Some of these inexpensive EVSE's are L1 and L2 capable. Which means you would get the full 3.3 kW of charging your car is capable of. This allows you to rack up way more EV miles per day, if you can charge L2 multiple times per day. My Dousida came with an actual 240V plug on it. It came with an adapter to use it on a 120V outlet. It has a 1 yr. warranty. I haven't read about them dying. What more to you want from a proper, and legal, 3.3kW / 16A L2? With the hack on your current EVSE you are only getting 2.8 kW / 12A when MacGyvered into a 240V outlet. Plus you have a potentially dangerous 120V outlet with 240V on it in your garage.
Why? For the Prime even Level I is more than enough for an 8 hrs charging window. Check out ClipperCreek: solid product, warranty, outdoor rated, and made in the USA (if that matters).
No 120 adaptor on my Duosaida. I was a little skeptical, but took a chance on it. I've been satisfied with it. I just looked it up and I got it in December of 2017, so over two years now. Only fly in the ointment is that it's rather snug, so I occasionally put some dielectric grease on the pins. Works well that way.
I sincerely appreciate all of the advice! Two votes for Duosaida - they can be had new for $140, the price is right. Are AeroVironment good? I think made in US, used for $100. I'm embarrassed to say I'm lazy - until we get a charging station at work I plan to leave the EVSE there for me and others to use. In the very unlikely chance it is stolen (I'll wire it directly if no thermistor in the plug) I wont be out too much $. fotomoto said: Why? For the Prime even Level I is more than enough for an 8 hrs charging window. - I'm in and out at work, today I got a couple of hours of skiing at Whiteface (which hosted the 1980 Olympics) - it's only 15 min away but 2000ft vertical returning to work. I remain confused about the ICE coming on in EV mode independent of traction battery state on long downhills, but that belongs in a different thread. If anyone likes their AeroVironment please let me know. Thanks!
Some followup that might be of interest: AeroVironment made 16A 120/240V EVSEs (some badged BMW and Volvo) and I found a used one that works great for $80. People uncomfortable with 240V on a 120V receptacle will like these - they have a 5-20 male to plug into 120V, and a 5-20 to 6-20 adapter to plug into 240V. I used a hole saw to run the J1772 through an exterior wall at work, and added a 240V 6-20 receptacle next to the hole on the inside. spray foam and covers on the exterior wall so theft wont be possible. I've requested a sign for plug-in parking only. So inexpensive 16A Level 2 at work now! I so appreciate all the advice!
I've found another inexpensive US made 240V 16A EVSE manufactured by Aerovironment for Volvo called a 200V that works perfectly and has a quality, proper fitting J1772. One guy has a bunch of new ones on the big auction site for $249 obo + $20 shipping, I offered $100 + $20 shipping and they were happy with that. It's slightly different from the standard Aerovironment 16A, this has a pigtail with a 6-20P and is supposed to work on 120V though I have not tested that yet. At this price point I've now got three, one for home and two for work locations. Thanks to Rob43 for inspiring me to research OEM EVSEs, this is a perfect match for 240V Prime charging!
Thank you for the kind works, it's appreciated. ************************** Now on to the Aerovironment: That EVSE has had a spotty record at this point, there have been many many reported failures with that unit. Also they had a very large Recall on them to fix a major internal problem. Make sure you find out that your unit is Not one of the recalled units, if it is, see if they will take it back. Rob43
Yikes!! Thanks for the heads up - sounds like they should be avoided if possible... I suppose at least the connector has value if they crap out...
Some followup on Aerovironment EVSEs - Some are known to have two problems: the 240V to 120V plug adapter fails by melting, and a limited number have an internal capacitor that fails. Fortunately for me, the ones I got (Model# 200V) are OEM Volvo and have worked fine for Volvo owners. A call confirmed that none of these are recalled, they no longer have the 120V adapter only the 240V corded plug. On ebay 'make an offer' $100 worked for the $249.88 listing. They work great!