I have just submitted an order for a 2005, expected Nov./Dec. The Gulfport, MS dealer added $1,000 for A.M.V. (Additional Market Value). The rationale is that "dealers around New Orleans and the general area are charging $3,000 to $5,000, so we feel we're being more than fair." What have been your experiences with A.M.V. throughout the US during the past few months? Am I being gouged, or is this an accepted practice? Thanks, Hank
Market Add On Toyota dealer in Kingman, AZ told me they "only" added $995 to MSRP unlike other dealers that added in thousands, so I agree to get on a somewhat short list #9 exactly 3 weeks ago. 2 days ago, got the call that a driftwood #7 was in and I said, that's what I'm looking for (actually my 3rd choice in color but still light enough) would have taken a #3 or #6 or #7, but 7 was good. anyway, after I got there (dealer is 40+miles, an hour away) and was ready to close the deal then they said price was MSRP + $1995.00. they even had the sticker on the car showing +1995.00 but I balked and they agree to stick to their word. I'm sure it helped that I bought along the sheet I was given showing all the different option prices of each package including the market adj. of 995.00 already added in.
I've looked at Prius at two different dealerships here in New Orleans, and there hasn't been a markup.
The markups seem to depend on geographic area and the integrity of the dealer(s). Here in Columbus, there is at least one dealer trying to gouge Prius buyers while the supply-n-demand situation makes it a seller's market. As for myself, I found the shortest wait for an MSRP Prius deal in southern IN. Here's the contact info for the dealership where I bought my Silver BC: Andy Hoffman - Internet Sales Mgr. Uebelhor & Sons Toyota Old Highway 231 South 972 Wernsing Rd. Jasper, Indiana 47547 812.482.2222 800.937.USA1 If you're willing to take a drive, there's good dealers out there. My experience is that they're typically located in more rural areas. I had a pleasant experience with Bert Wolfe Toyota in Charleston, WV also. They quoted MSRP, but the wait was much longer than I found in Jasper, IN... If you should end up buying from Andy at Uebelhor Toyota, please tell him Glenn sent you. G.
St. Louis There are three big Toyota dealers in my area. One will put your name on a list with an estimated two year wait, one is not taking names, and one promises a car within 2-4 months. This last dealer, Jay Wolfe, charges a "market adjustment" of $2000. The others do not. Fortunately for me, I lucked into a car at Seeger Toyota (a good/reputable dealer) that does not charge a "market adjustment."
I have only contacted 2 dealers, Olympia Toyota Olympia WA, and Helena Motors, Helena Motors. I was treated well by both. Both sticker price. Some of the dealers out there are good people.
Honest Dealer in New York !! Hi Contrary to what many may believe about "the Big APPLE ' I ordered my Silver #9 at msrp Sticker in Feb and took delivery at the same price in June. Toyota even sent me a check for $300 "good will" since I ordered the car before Feb 28,2004.The dealer was Millenium Toyota in Hempstead and the saleman was Rudy Walker. No fast moves and no pressure on the aftersell. They treated me very decently and the whole experience was a good one . I previously drove a Lexus RX300 Suv and belive it or not the transition to the Prius was very easy. I love my prius and was lucky enough to get great Vanity plates , I'm the only driver in New York to have plates that read " A HYBRID "
Probably depends on the area. If people pay a markup at 1 dealer, other dealers figure out there are enough suckers out there that they can do it too. The 3 dealers I contacted ( 2 in NW VT, 1 NE NY) all said MSRP - no add ons. From prior posts here, it seems the Gulf States port/dealers also add stuff you don't want and say take it or leave it. They may charge 'only' MSRP, but it is MSRP for the car AND the high profit, unwanted add ons.
In the USA it's a seller's market for the Prius. If demand exceeds supply, by a wide margin in this case, you can expect that some dealers will want to earn more in a car they're sure to sell. I don't believe that a mark-up is unfair; you would probably be tempeted do this yourself if you owned the dealership. Here in Puerto Rico you can buy a Prius at or even below msrp because it's a buyer's market. There are plenty of Priuses available; you could order one today and pick it up tomorrow any color you want.
Thanks for all the replies. I'll check with other dealers within a 100 mile radius to see what their policies are. It's a shame that it would cost about as much to fly to one of your local dealerships and drive back as it would to pay the AMV, and driving back from Puerto Rico might be tough. :lol: Thanks again, Hank
I'll bet you could buy one in Puerto Rico and have it shipped. But I wonder if you'd have warranty issues. And shipping might not be cheap.