2010 Prius 119K mi Aug 2019 was the first occurance of the Check Hybrid System issues. Driving on the freeway, Prius lost power. Waited 5 minutes and restarted, allowing me to drive. Took it to the dealer and they pointed to the inverter cooler. Replaced under warranty. Yesterday, same issue except more dash lights kicked on (Power Steering, ABS), Push to Start would go from green to Orange, and I couldn't switch to Drive. Towed to dealer. Dealer calls me back with the following recommendation: Replace Aux Battery (~$300) Clean Throttle Body (~$150) Clean Air Flow Meter (~$150) Clean Hybrid Fan and Filter (~$369) Replace Brake Fluid - mentioned it was dirty. Called them on this as I got my brakes done and no mention of this then. Offered to throw it in if I did everything else When asked what caused this, he pointed to the Aux Battery. Reading through some of the threads, I don't see how that's feasible. I plan on asking for what codes were present. If anyone had experienced someone along the same lines, happy to hear your experiences.
When the aux battery gets too weak the computers can get confused, throwing all kinds of strange codes.
Gotcha. So got the battery replaced. Got copy of battery test which shows Illinois ZIP and phone #. Drive less than a block and same thing happens again. Waited 5 min. Engine kicked on like normal, with all warming lights flashing. Engine dies, no traction anywhere. Called dealer. Said they test drove it. Waiting on tow truck.
check the inverter fluid for movement clean the hybrid battery fan test the 12v maybe the throttle body and maf i hate to see you throw money away with a clueless dealer, ask for the codes