Tested my 2014 with 49K miles on it. It went into service in early 2014. It's a bit cold here now, so at about 38 degrees after sitting overnight it measured 12.2 V
Yup, agreed. I'm hoping for warmer weather and winter to be over. Then I may have a chance to run it into summer. I haven't had any peculiar things with the car so far, but I also worry about being stranded and/or mileage ... etc. Leaning towards a factory replacement, rather than an aftermarket.
Last week I was checking my 7-1/2 year old battery. It appeared to be about half charged after sitting overnight from a short trip the day before (12.4 volts). Yesterday it died completely. So when you hear a 7 year old battery should be replaced -- Pay Attention. Interesting side story: That day I had an appointment to take the DMV written test to renew my driver's license. (Yes, us old folks have to do that) Those appointments are Hard to get. Fortunately, I discovered the problem several hours before the test. We have only one car. Not an insurmountable problem but it would have been a bit of a pain. Yes, I passed the test but that's another story.
Thought I’d revisit/update this old post ... Went out this morning and tested the old 2014 12V battery that I didn’t replace this last summer. With all this COVID crap, I don’t drive much anymore. My 2014 PIP has about 53K miles on it. Tested this morning, after sitting for a couple days. Temp was low 40’s. It tested at 12.29 V, which is basically what it was at last year at this time. All seems good thus far, but I plan to replace it this year for sure. I would hate to get stranded.