This is a followup to a post of mine way back to last year. I was one of the ones with a defective rear quarter panel assembly that the coating was chipping (see photo). In Hawaii Servco company handles the warranty issues for Toyota. My warranty was up several months prior to me spotting the issue. I contacted Service on several different occasions with no success. I contacted corporate Toyota it was either Texas or Florida and they would not do anything. I believe it was someone in this forum that suggested to me or someone else with the same problem to go to the dealer and request a Goodwill warranty extension just for this defect. After about 2 months I got a call from Toyota dealer saying the parts were in and I had them installed the other day. All in all it took about 6 months to resolve the issue. Thank you to the forum for the suggestion. If this is the first time hearing about this issue and want to see a video on it I have it on my youtube channel let me knoww and I will put a link. otherwise do a search here and there is a link in a post I put on this forum way back last year. Here is the before photo and what to watch out for.
I replaced my defective panels with replacements I found on eBay. Total cost about $100.00. I do think that the newer parts are better and will not chip.
What should I search for to get the right part? Only my left panel is chipping. I had the car since 2016 and everything was fine. This only started happening last year when I got a new job and had to park outside in the same parking space that the sun hit at a certain angle.
These are the two part numbers that I purchased: Genuine Toyota Prius Appliqué, RIGHT PART# 62505-47011 Genuine Toyota Prius Appliqué, LEFT PART# 62506-47011
Thanks krmcg. Did you notice any difference in the coat/paint quality between the old parts and the new parts? I don't want to replace the panel with the same quality parts and have it chipped again.
Kearny Mesa Toyota in San Diego replaced both my rear quarter panels post warranty expiration without charge.